नदेखिएको आकाश The Unseen Sky

नदेखिएको आकाश (The Unseen Sky) कृतिः नदेखिएको आकाश (कविता सङ्ग्रह) कविः पञ्च विस्मृत प्रथम संस्करणः वि. सं. २०६० वैशाख प्रकाशकः वाणी प्रकाशन विराटनगर ISBN: 99933-656-9-6

'The Unseen Sky' (Nadekhiyeko Aakash, नदेखिएको आकाश) is a book (Collection of poems) written by Pancha Vismrit (पञ्च विस्मृत), published by Vani Prakashan Biratnagar (वाणी प्रकाशन विराटनगर) on Saturday, April 26, 2003; in which 36 poems are included, and were written early days of his literary journey. Interestingly, Pancha Vismrit never recommends this book but never stops mentioning it as it's considered a milestone of his journey somewhere down the line. Parshu Pradhan, a renowned story writer in Nepal marks on this book in publisher's note: "I believe that Pancha Vismrit will always remain with his poetic consciousness in the history of poem."