Status: plus Added

RMA details edit

To be filled by the Account Owner, and then made into a PDF and emailed to the customer to be included with the return

Full Description of Complaint: Customer was not happy they wanted to asdfasdfasdfa asdf sadf asd fa sdf sdflkjdlkurlwkjf lkj sflkjslfkjs dflkjsfappy they wanted to asdfasdfasdfa asdf sadf asd fa sdf sdflkjdlkurlwkjf lkj sflkjslfkjs dflkjsfappy they wanted to asdfasdfasdfa asdf sadf asd fa sdf sdflkjdlkurlwkjf lkj sflkjslfkjs dflkjsfappy they wanted to asdfasdfasdfa asdf sadf asd fa sdf sdflkjdlkurlwkjf lkj sflkjslfkjs dflkjsfappy they wanted to asdfasdfasdfa asdf sadf asd fa sdf sdflkjdlk

Investigation edit

To be filled by the individual performing the investigation

Full details of investigation: NA

RMA Conclusion edit

To be filled by Quality Manager