
Operating systemWindows 2008 and later
PlatformIA-32 and x86-64
Available inEnglish
Typejob scheduler

SmartBatch is an advanced Enterprise job scheduler and automation tool for Windows.

Overview edit

SmartBatch provides advanced job scheduling capabilities. SmartBatch runs on the Windows platform and is based on the .NET stack of technologies. Typically, SmartBatch is used by applications that have a need to process activity on a regular basis in an unattended fashion. Operation staff can be notified of success or failure of their SmartBatch processing.

The SmartBatch user interface consists of a Windows form based graphical user interface. This is secured by Windows authentication so that only authorized users are allowed access to SmartBatch. Users are assigned to a SmartBatch role which sets the user's privileges. The GUI/client interface provides full access to functionality. An alternative web browser interface is also available that can be used to monitor the SmartBatch environment.

Functionality edit

SmartBatch consists of a set of functionality to help simplify configuration: Operations, Steps, Jobs, Schedules, Dependencies (including file notification watch events), Operators, Alerts, Application Groups, Computer Groups, etc. Processing can be distributed to other computers using Remote Agents.

History edit

SmartBatch was originally developed in 1997 in a financial IT department at Intel Corporation. It was commercialized by OnLine ToolWorks Corporation in 1997. SmartBatch was rewritten in 2004 for the .NET Framework. Major releases:

Year Release Description
1997 1.0 Initial commercial release
1998 V2.0 Added functionality such as advanced scheduling
2001 V2.5 Added functionality such as file events
2004 3.0 Rewritten and enhanced using the .NET Framework
2005 3.5 Added functionality such as diagram view
2006 4.0 Added Remote Agents for distributed processing
2007 4.5 Added functionality such as recurring times within a day
2009 6.0 Updated GUI and added product features
2012 6.4 Added audit capabilities
2014 6.5 Added specific functionality to support certain customer environment such as custom parameter processing and custom logging
2017 10.0 Updated GUI to include advanced views. Updated .NET Framework to 4.5. Added Dashboard view

External links edit