Black sabbath, or Hebrew: שבת חזון, romanizedshabbat chazon, lit.'sabbath of vision', is the last sabbath of *the three weeks between dire straits. The *Vision of Isaiah 1:1 - 1:27 is read in synagogues, foretelling the downfall of the ~kingdom of Judah: "Jerusalem shall be redeemed through judgement (~mishpat), and her captives who return through righteousness (~tzedakah)." And calling the nation to turn and repent (~teshuvah). The week after will be the 9th of Av, the anniversary of the burnings and destruction of ~the first temple, and the second temple, which both took place on that day, the 9th of Av, which is the fifth month from Nisan, the month of Spring.

Fixed on the lunisolar calendar, and thus a ~moveable feast with respect to imperial solarian timekeeping, it falls on July 17th 2021, and Aug 6th 2022. Following the abandonment of apostolic christianity, and the excommunication, expulsion, and massacre of Jews and Jewish-christians by the orthodox catholic church and its daughter churches, the prophetic warnings of Isaiah and Jeremiah are compounded by some iconoclasts of the radical reformation with warnings of apocalyptic revelation and return to more authentic forms of post-apocalyptic community. Thus, paranoia abounds among ~inquisitive hierophants, leading to fevered imaginations of pop culture occultists, along with forgettable rock bands, usually in spaces where lunatics and Jews have been locked up, live in hiding, forcibly assimilated, converted, from whence Jews have been expelled, or no longer exist, and where knowledge of the black sabbath is not widely available.   

Destruction of the Solomon's temple by Babylon


~Jeremiah 36-51 records the fulfillment of this prophecy in the events of the ~siege of Jerusalem (597) culminating in the ~seige of Jerusalem (587 BC) and the Jewish people's ~exile to Babylon. ~2 Kings 24 and ~25 records the fulfillment of this prophecy and ~2 Chronicles 36 and ~Jeremiah 52 summarize the events. The fast of the 9th of Av is mentioned in Zechariah 8 when discussing the *Hebrew calendar, and is kept by Jews to this very day, who mourn with the ~lamentations of ~Jeremiah.

Destruction of the Second Temple in Roman Judaea


The Romans had ~colonized Judea, and following the ~Jewish revolt (66–73 CE), they be~sieged Jerusalem (70 CE), and burned down the ~second temple on the 9th of Av, the same day that the first temple had been destroyed. This co-incidence is understood by the rabbis[citation needed] as a divine call to give up baseless hatred, wake up, and heed the prophecies. It also appears to be at least a ~partial fulfillment of the ~eschatological predictions of R. Joschka (Yehoshua ben Miriam of Nazareth) in the ~Olivet Discourse and of ~John of Patmos in the ~Apocalypse of John.

The Romans renamed Judaea ~Palestine, forcibly exiled the Jewish inhabitants, and renamed Jerusalem ~Aelia Capitolina, forbidding Jews from entering it except on the fast day of the 9th of Av.[citation needed]

In Late Antiquity and Imperial Christianity


The church(es) of ~Nicean christianity holds itself to be the "spiritual Israel", having ~abrogated the "Old" Covenant to claim all its priveleges and none of its obligations. To be the ~chosen people and kingdom of priests is a promise that was given in ~Exodus 19 to the Jewish people, conditional on acting as a "holy nation" by observance of the Sinai covenant. Simon Peter, apostle to the Jews, reaffirms this in ~1 Peter 1, calling them to "be holy". But the church promotes desecration of the law and ~sign of the covenant as a means of so-called holiness. Subsequently, the church claims to ~replace or supersede the Jewish people. Furthermore, it claims to be the "~kingdom of God on earth", promoting a program of ~christian dominionism based on Jew-hatred. Religious antisemitism is an anachronistic misnomer, because Jews are hated not for their race, but because they represent an alternative political reality that undermines the noble lie. Whereas Peter wrote his epistle to the "pilgrims of the diaspora", the catholic church claimed it as a ~catholic epistle for the imperial overlords. In order to elevate this hermeneutic perversion into a new political reality, they excommunicated *Jewish-christians from the church, or ~forcing them to assimilate by desecrating the sacraments of their holy law. Even the protestant churches following Luther, Calvin, and others promoted this *cultural appropriation as part of "~reformed theology".

In American Christianity


The separatist puritan settlers promoted *New England as the City on a Hill and a beacon of hope to the old world, making this the foundational precept of ~American exceptionalism. In the ~sermon on the mount, Jesus (R.Joshua ben Miriam) called the Jewish people along with the altar of the second temple "the ~light of the world," and Jerusalem "a city on a hill that cannot be hidden." The ~manifest destiny doctrine that holds the American west to be the "~promised land (America)", replacing the ~promised land of canaan. U.S. politicians since then have applied this principle to Washington D.C. and the nation as a whole. Since American churches insist on the imposture, the call of Isaiah to repentance applies to those churches, and they should expect to receive a parallel judgement involving their own destruction as a path of redemption from hypocritical religion. Not surprisingly, statues of the recently beatified Junipero Serra were torn down across the American west. Raised awareness of the 20th century program of cultural genocide through forced assimilation in coercive ~Indian boarding schools was followed by the ~2021 Canadian Indian residential schools gravesite discoveries, and more than a few ~Canadian churches burned down. If "riots are the language of the unheard", then these acts of iconoclasm may be a way of arguing the same point made here through words. Not everyone has the leisure to do this research and analysis of a history that is deliberately obscured in ~bad faith, but those who can, should. The city leaders should be the ones removing these statues, and this has been done, for example, in the 2020 removal of the statues of some confederate (racist) war heroes (traitors). Most others have been toppled by protestors. Instead of leading, the so-called "protestant" church has been taking hardly any responsibility or initiative. Where are the tenured faculty or the public so-called "intellectuals"? Of the half-dozen statues that were toppled in Portland, Oregon in 2020, the only one removed by the city itself was the The Promised Land (sculpture), in response apparently to its nightly redecorations and also to a petition excerpting the argument given here (among others), made by this editor to the city leaders.[1] The path of redemption for "christian" America starts with self-examination, just as it does for the Judeans addressed by Isaiah. Stop the tendentious ignorance and do the math.

Radical Reformation II


As an alternative approach to arson, ~iconoclasm would involve beheading all statues, and as long as he is worshipped as God, removing all ~iconic depictions of Jesus whether in stained glass or paintings, especially those of the blond blue-eyed Jesus in a Roman toga. The buildings themselves could be salvaged and repurposed for a noachide community, such as that envisioned by the apostle Paul in ~Romans 11-12. He clearly teaches the ~seven laws in ~Romans 13-15. This could by a para-synagogue community of "~God fearing gentiles", free of the hermeneutic perversions, the deceptive and unholy sacramental inventions, the personality cultism, the addictions to grace, the toxic positivity, the roman imperialism, the white supremacy, and the religious coercion, and all the other errors including the ~unnatural solar calendar borrowed by Julius from the ~Egyptian timekeepers. This program of ~radical reformation was attempted by some Anabaptists as a return to ~Pauline christianity, but was put down by Luther, Calvin, the Anglicans, and the mainstream ~reformation. Also, the non-conformist churches never figured it out, continuing to propagate a protestant catholicism but without Rome. As observers from a "~neutral point of view" with an ~encyclopedic mission, wikipedia neither endorses nor disapproves of any these measures or movements. And this is merely an essay meant to educate the reader on the issues at stake. To do this, we must give an accurate account of the epistemic foundations of "mainstream opinion", free from the systemic bias in wikipedia, which is merely a reflection of that in academia, media, religion, and in western civilization itself.


On the grammy-winning album Slow Train Coming, widely considered the climactic pinnacle of his career, nobel-laureate ~Bob Dylan asked, "~When You Gonna Wake Up, and strengthen the things that remain?". The title song begins thus:

Sometimes I feel, so low down and disgusted / Can't help but wonder, whats happening to my companions.

Are they lost or are they found? Have they counted the cost it'll take to bring down / All the earthly principles they're gonna have to abandon?

There's a slow, ~slow train coming, up around the bend.

Not long after, he was seen praying at the ruins of the temple, by the western wall of Jerusalem, while wearing tefillin.[citation needed]

In the New Testament


As R. Joschka said to the mourners following him on the road to calvary, "Weep and mourn for yourselves!" foreseeing the retribution that would come upon the city and nation for shedding innocent blood. R.Paul, says in ~Romans 12, "Mourn with those who mourn, rejoice with those who rejoice." Writing before the destruction of the second temple, he could not have given Tisha b'Av the significance it now has. He concludes the discourse on Jew-gentile relations in Romans 15 by exhortating them from the Song of Moses, "Rejoice, o gentiles, with his people," and again from Hallel psalms sung on Jewish festivals: Psalm 117:1, "Praise the LORD all you gentiles, magnify him, all you peoples!" Clearly, he expects the righteous gentiles of his para-synagogue community to rejoice in the sabbath and *pilgrimage festivals, although as an act of discipleship taken voluntarily rather than as a ~commandment fulfilled in obligation. And his taking of a nazirite vow and his help in paying the vows of others, demonstrate that while opposing the ~Judaization of gentiles, he supported Judaism for Jews and continued to practice it himself. The church has utterly rejected the teaching of apostle Paul, who would be a heretic in the church day. Along with Joseph, Mary, Peter, James, and Jesus himself.

R. Joschka says "What is this generation like? Like children sitting in the marketplace who callled out we played a dance for you and you did not dance, we played a dirge and you did not mourn'." They did not perceive the time of their visitation. How much more so does this rebuke apply to Christians today? Weep and mourn.

9th of Av in Contemporary Politics


On the fast of 9th of Av, 2021, hundreds of Jews went to mourn on the temple mount. It is currently forbidden for Jews to pray on the mount, but they are permitted to mourn there once per year.[2]

Regarding internal strife, Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett wrote "The Jewish people twice had a Jewish state on the Land of Israel, and both times we did not succeed to complete the eighth decade as an independent state, because of internal wars and baseless hatred ... At the time of the Roman siege on Jerusalem, the nation was divided, each group entrenched itself in its own position, and burned the food stores of the others, as part of the internal power struggle, so the Romans had a much easier task. The bitter end we all know, and until today every year on this date we mourn the awful destruction which a people with a little more baseless love, restraint, and listening, could have saved us from."[3]

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  1. ^ change dot org /p/pdx-regional-arts-council-remove-the-pioneer-and-soldier-statues-from-the-plaza-blocks-and-recount-an-unbiased-history This is given as a record of an historic event in 2020, not as a solicitation. Wikipedia is not a Wikipedia:SOAPBOX
  2. ^ "Hundreds of Jews visit contested holy site in Jerusalem". Associated Press.
  3. ^ Sharon, Jeremy (17 July 2021). "PM Bennett warns of historic danger of Jewish disunity on Tisha Be'av". Jerusalem Post.