This user is a translator from Hebrew to English on Wikipedia:Translation.
This user is a translator and proofreader from Hebrew to English on Wikipedia:Translation.

Wikipedia:Selected anniversaries/May 3

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Back edit

(No longer Away.)

My Wikipedia time is limited at the moment, but I'm still around.

Fredy Clue wearing Bäckadräkten

The great blue turaco (Corythaeola cristata) is a bird species in the turaco family, Musophagidae, which is widespread throughout the African tropical rainforest. It has a typical length of around 75 cm (30 in) with a mass of around 1 kg (2 lb). The adult great blue turaco has predominantly gray-blue upperparts with an upright blue-black crest. Its bill is yellow and the two sexes have similar plumage. This great blue turaco was photographed in Kibale National Park, Uganda.Photograph credit: Giles Laurent