User:IdLoveOne/Astrology vs. Astronomy

In ancient times, astronomy and astrology were one and the same. When the planets were discussed, the specific classifications that we have today, such as asteroid or centaur didn't exist. This isn't to say though that there weren't some specific distinctions from the so-called "planets" which included the Sun and Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. Alongside the classical planets were the comets and fixed stars.

Histories of the Studies and their Affect on Each Other edit


Ancient and Modern Debunking of Astrology edit

The Luminaries edit

The phrase "Luminary" refers to one of two bright bodies considered rulers of signs: The Sun or the Moon. The traditional ruler-ship scheme of the planets to the signs, a concept that didn't exist

Uranus edit


Ceres and the Asteroids edit

Neptune edit

Pluto edit

Centaurs edit

Trans-Neptunians and Beyond edit