"Map of Ontario, Canada"
Public domainThis user is Canadian, eh?
This user comes from Ontario.
This user is interested in Spain.
Boeing 777-31H, Emirates JP452808This user is interested in aviation.
This user likes both warm weather and cold weather.

Hi! My name is Hseong2[1] and I am a 4th year student in Commercial Aviation Management at UWO. As of right now, I am re-learning all aspects of Wikipedia[2]. I am currently participating in a project (Human Factors of Aviation class) where I must create an article related to human factors in aviation. I am here to learn as well as contribute my knowledge to articles that are related to what I am studying.

Additional Info about me

  • Position: Wikipedia Student Editor
  • Topics of Interest: Aside from academics side, I enjoy reading about Culture of Latin America and Culture of Spain.
  • My Contributions: Wrote a new article called Threat and error management.
  • Pros about Wikipedia: Many informative articles are just one click away and free. Very convenient. Saves time.
  • Cons about Wikipedia: Some users distort information on a particular article (some articles have bias). Not all articles are reliable because they are subject to change due to users' conflicts of interest. Bad-faithed users are constantly vandalizing articles.

Articles edited by me

Aviation Article Edits made by Hseong2
Oct. 6th
  • Fatigue (safety) under "In Aviation": In 2009, Aerospace Medical Association listed long duty work hours, insufficient sleep, and circadian disruptions as few of the largest contributing factors to pilot fatigue. [3]
Oct. 7th
  • Aerospace Medical Association: Added "Mission" section and statement: The Aerospace Medical Association's mission is to raise awareness of health, safety, and performance of individuals working in aerospace-related field through application of scientific method.[4]
Oct. 25th

Useful Articles


Just in case I get lost, maybe these articles will help me get back on the track...

Notes & References


  1. ^ My alias in this class.
  2. ^ I had an old account, it's semi-inactive.
  3. ^ Caldwell, J.A., Mallis, M.M., Caldwell, J.L., Paul, M.A., Miller, J.C., & Neri,mD.F. Fatigue Countermeasures in Aviation. Aviation, Space, and Environmental Medicine, 80(1), 29-59.
  4. ^ Huerta, M., Headquarters, F.A.A., & Huerta, D. A. (2012). Aerospace Medical Association.