I am Hamza rajpoot Khan from ghengat [1]rajpootkhan clan quetta Balochistan at qutta cantt some of this clan settled in bahawalpur and quetta after convertion of faith into the islam

Ghengat is the surname in clan of bhati[2]At least some of the Bhati Rajputs of Rajasthan were among the communities that practised female infanticide between 1883–1998. One princess, a daughter of the Hindu Bhati ruling family in Dipalpur, was married to Salar Rajab, a Turkic Muslim ruler, and gave birth to Firuz Shah Tughlaq. This was one of several examples of inter-religious royal marriage alliances during the period of Turkic Muslim rule in the Indian subcontinent.Rajput Bhati princesses were also married into the royal family of Jodhpur.

  1. ^ "User-submitted surname Ghengat - Behind the Name". surnames.behindthename.com. Retrieved 2020-04-14.
  2. ^ "Bhati - Wikipedia". en.m.wikipedia.org. Retrieved 2020-04-14.