
Strengthening spinal muscles is a crucial preventative measure. This is because the muscles in the back are essential when it comes to supporting the spinal column and maintaining the spines proper shape. Exercises that will help improve the strength of the muscles in the back include rows, leg and arm extensions [1]. Furthermore, it was concluded that elastic resistance exercise was able to sustain the progression of spinal curvature.[2] This type of exercise is able to sustain progression by equalizing the strength of the torso muscles found on each side of the body.

Lay in the prone position and perform alternating shoulder flexions and hip extensions.
  1. ^ Vaughn, D. and Brown, E. (2007). The Influence of an In-home Based Theraputic Exercise Program on Thoracic Kyphosis Angles. Journal of Back and Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation, 20(4), 155-165.
  2. ^ Pavlu, D., Panek, D. (2009). Resistance Exercise for Prevention of Trunk Deformities. Scoliosis, 2(4),1-11.