The intent of this user page is to convey background information to help others to determine the weight to give edited or original content:

Karl Joseph Hildebrand (von Niebelung): Author and Publisher (FBN Press). Author of legal and religious tracts; other assorted non-fiction works and commentaries - editor working with Academic Reprints and Facsimiles. Works with material in classical Greek and Latin; Medieval Latin and French; Low, Middle, and High German; Anglo-Saxon; and Old English as well as related written languages such as Gaelic. Lectures on such diverse topics as Success in Business or Governing Strategies, History & Current Events, and Religion & the Occult in the Modern World.

Location: United States Midwest

Contributions will in the main center around fact checking:

(for the time being)

History of Osteopathy/Osteopaths

History relating to Missouri

Other subjects as arise from editing academic material slated for reprinting.