

Chafetz's are alien beings from the extremely cold planet of Chafetz. They have lived in Antarctica since their landing in 2025 and have embassy's all over the world. They are three feet to three and a half feet tall on average. There is a thick coat of multi-colored fur covering their whole body with usually another thick layer of fat under the fur. The multi-colors are all neutral colors on the Chafetz's. Each Chafetz has exactly 3 digits on each arm and leg. This makes it easier for them to grasp objects. Furthermore, they have four arms and two legs. Two of the arms and both of the legs are placed on the body as humans have them aligned, however their other two arms are positioned in between the shoulder and the breast. Even some of these Chafetz's have been known to have two eyes in the back of their head. To distinguish the males from the females the males will typically have very large and obtuse noses and the women will typically have a flattish nose. All the Chafetz's are very similar to human physiology except for the few things that are stated above.

Mount Erebus, an active volcano on Ross Island



Chafetz's are unusual alien beings. Instead of inhaling oxygen and exhaling carbon dioxide, the Chafetz's inhale nitrogen and exhale oxygen. They never wear clothes, because in their culture wearing clothes is a sign of disrespect. Instead the Chafetz's have their fur they use as clothes and warmth. Since they have adapted to living in Antarctica, their diet consists of mostly any type of penguin or seal. Over the past 25 years of their existence on earth they have established Antarctica to be a very metropolitan place of living. Almost every single Chafetz owns at least one pet. Their pets include animals anywhere from a dog to a whale. When the humans were first introduced to the Chafetz's on planet earth, the humans first impression was that they were very friendly and outgoing aliens that meant no harm to their world. The first conversation between the Chafetz's and the humans was in English. This is because the Chafetz's can automatically pick up a new language that they have never herd of before or have had past knowledge on and speak it fluently. Throughout the past 75 years they have been living on Earth, they have built embassy's in all the major powers of the world. The rest of the world have been very interested in their high-tech weapons they have been developing these past years. The Chafetz's use these weapons as a way of commerce and peace between them and the powers of the world.



The Chafetz's home planet of Chafetz had a very cold atmosphere of 0 degrees Fahrenheit on average each day. On the planet Chafetz the Chafetz's were the dominant species and the only other species that lived on their planet were the pets each of them owned. The whole planet was metropolitan, so that is why they have made Antarctica a metropolitan area. About 110 years ago they knew that their planet was going to be destroyed by a huge meteor. Because of this, all of the Chafetz's evacuated their planet in hope to find another planet suitable for their lifestyle. 35 years later they found a planet they said "looked like a huge blue, green and white marble". So the commander of the Chafetz's lead them to the bottom of this "marble, where they discovered Antarctica. Antarctica was exactly what they were looking for. all of them landed safely and begun and finished building Antarctica into a metropolitan area within the first 10 years of living on planet Earth. The Chafetz's have developed new ideas, technologies, and advancements that have improved the economy and many other things in the 22nd century.