Hello World!

Name: Take a Wild Guess
Gender: Male
Nationality: English
Location: London W1, Monaco
Marrital Status: Single and thin
Education: BSc Business Information Systems
Current Occupation: Wannabe musician (House/ Techno Music)
Previous Occupation: IT Project Manager, Loyalty Marketing
Drinker: Yes: Corona, Becks, Corona, Stella, Corona
Smoker: Occasional: see drinking
Vegetarian: Negative
Favourite Films: True Romance, Midnight Cowboy, Jaws
Favourite Books: Ivanhoe, Catcher in the Rye, On The Road, The Magus
Dream Cars: Tesla Roadster, 1993 Delta Integrale Evo, 1967 Shelby Mustang
Last Holiday: Marrakech
Member since: 25-Aug-2007
Wiki Objectives: Miscellaneous contributions when I can't find what I'm looking for here and when I get bored

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