User:84user/Tycho Brahe appendices test

Tycho Brahe made this sketch of the great quadrant he built near Augsburg.

Smaller scale reconstruction of Tycho's Augsburger Quadrant in Römerturm in Göggingen - the celestial object is sighted along the upper right-hand straight edge and its elevation read off where the plumb-line crosses the curved vernier scale.

The plan-view schematic on the left shows the Stjerneborg observatory bounded by a square wall with semi-circular extensions on each side, the entrance on the left lies in the direction of the nearby palace Uraniborg. Annotations are: * A = Entrance with steps leading down into the main workroom (B) and (D) and (E), above are three lion sculptures and Latin inscriptions * B = The main Workroom containing (P) and (V) and passages to (C), (F), (G), and (Q) * C = chamber with large equatorial instrument * D = chamber with elevation and azimuth quadrant * E = chamber with armillary sphere * F = chamber with elevation and azimuth quadrant encompassed by a steel square * G = chamber with sextant for measuring distances * H = stone pillars one with a ball on top, the other angled, situated at the near side * I = stone pillars one with a ball on top, the other angled, situated at the far side * K, L, N and T = large balls, with conical covers, used for mounting instruments * M = Stone table, shown with sundial in Willem Blaeu's drawing * O = bed of Tycho Brahe * P = fireplace * Q = Tycho's assistant's bedroom * S = beginning of an underground passage to Uraniborg * V = worktable. The 2005 photograph below shows a replica of the observatory restored.