RFC Status Reference Notes
1918 Best Common Practice Y. Rekhter; B. Moskowitz; D. Karrenberg; G. J. de Groot; E. Lear (February 1996). Address Allocation for Private Internets. Network Working Group. doi:10.17487/RFC1918. BCP 5. RFC 1918. Obsoletes RFC 1627 and 1597. Updated by RFC 6761.
1924 Informational R. Elz (1 April 1996). A Compact Representation of IPv6 Addresses. Network Working Group. doi:10.17487/RFC1924. RFC 1924. This is an April Fools' Day Request for Comments.
1925 Informational R. Callon, ed. (1 April 1996). The Twelve Networking Truths. Network Working Group. doi:10.17487/RFC1925. RFC 1925. This is an April Fools' Day Request for Comments.
1926 Informational J. Eriksson (1 April 1996). An Experimental Encapsulation of IP Datagrams on Top of ATM. Network Working Group. doi:10.17487/RFC1926. RFC 1926. This is an April Fools' Day Request for Comments.
1927 Informational C. Rogers (1 April 1996). Suggested Additional MIME Types for Associating Documents. Network Working Group. doi:10.17487/RFC1927. RFC 1927. This is an April Fools' Day Request for Comments.
1930 Best Common Practice J. Hawkinson; T. Bates (March 1996). Guidelines for creation, selection, and registration of an Autonomous System (AS). Network Working Group. doi:10.17487/RFC1930. BCP 6. RFC 1930. Updated by RFC 6996 and 7300.
1945 Informational T Berners-Lee; R. Fielding; H. Frystyk (May 1996). Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.0. Network Working Group. doi:10.17487/RFC1945. RFC 1945.
1958 Informational B. Carpenter, ed. (June 1996). Architectural Principles of the Internet. Network Working Group. doi:10.17487/RFC1958. RFC 1958. Updated by RFC 3439.
1981 Obsolete J. McCann; S. Deering; J. Mogul (August 1996). Path MTU Discovery for IP version 6. Network Working Group. doi:10.17487/RFC1981. RFC 1981. Obsoleted by RFC 8201.
1992 Informational I. Castineyra; N. Chiappa; M. Steenstrup (August 1996). The Nimrod Routing Architecture. doi:10.17487/RFC1992. RFC 1992.
1996 Proposed Standard P. Vixie (August 1996). A Mechanism for Prompt Notification of Zone Changes (DNS NOTIFY). Network Working Group. doi:10.17487/RFC1996. RFC 1996. Updates RFC 1035.