Usage edit

This template is an entry for a table containing the yearly record of either a college basketball coach, team, or rivalry. It is to be used in conjunction with the other templates associated with this table (under See also).

Detail edit

To use this template for a coach or team record:

{{CBB yearly record entry
| championship = specify 'national', 'postseason', 'conference', 'confboth', 'division', 'divboth', or 'conference tournament' for the type of championship season, if applicable
| season       = insert the year of the season being detailed
| name         = insert either the name of the coach (if this table details a team's yearly record)
                 or the name of the team (if this table details a coach's yearly record)
| overall      = insert the overall record
| conference   = insert "no" if you do not want to list the conference record/standing
                 ('conference' must also be set in {{CBB Yearly Record Start}} for this to work)
                 or insert the conference record
| confstanding = insert the final standing within the conference (only if "conference" is not set to 'no')
| postseason   = insert the abbreviated name of the postseason tournament followed by the last round the team reached
| bg_color     = override the default color scheme with a custom background color (use #000000 format)

To use this template for rivalry game series:

{{CBB yearly record entry
| rivalrygame  = insert "yes"
| year         = insert the year of the season being detailed
| hometeam     = insert the name of the first team
| homescore    = insert the points scored by the first team
| homeranking  = insert the pre-game ranking of the first team
| awayteam     = insert the name of the second team
| awayscore    = insert the points scored by the second team
| awayranking  = insert the pre-game ranking of the second team
| winner       = insert "home" or "away"
| wincolor     = insert the background color
| location     = insert the wikilinked stadium or city where the game was played

Basic usages edit

{{CBB yearly record entry
| championship = 
| season       = 
| name         = 
| overall      = 
| conference   = 
| confstanding = 
| postseason   = 
{{CBB yearly record entry
| rivalrygame  = yes
| year         = 
| hometeam     = 
| homescore    = 
| homeranking  = 
| awayteam     = 
| awayscore    = 
| awayranking  = 
| winner       = 
| wincolor     = 
| location     = 

See also edit