Portal:Hinduism/Did you know

  • ... that Hinduism has no founder and date of origin making it the oldest religion?

Hinduism is the only religion the past and later evolved to many other religions that even Islamists pray Lord Shiva in Mecca which is hidden fact.

  • ... that Hinduism is considered as the mother of Buddhism, Jainism and Sikhism as all founders of these religions never declared any of these religions as religion and they were all born as Hindu?
  • ... that Hinduism is the major religion of India and Nepal, practiced by more than 80% of the population?
  • ... that no single creed or doctrine binds Hindus together?
  • ... that Intellectually there is complete freedom of belief, and one can be a monotheist ,a polytheist or even an atheist?
  • ... that Hinduism is a syncretic religion, welcoming and incorporating a variety of outside influences?
  • ... that The first law maker, Manu, was a Hindu and Manu Smriti is considered as the first book on law in the world?
  • ... that Rigveda is considered as oldest literature known to mankind?
  • ... that Sanskrit is considered as oldest language known to mankind?
  • ... that The concepts of decimal system, zero, point, pi and many others were used first by Hindus?