Draft:Nirmal Christopher

Mr.Nirmal Christopher, in the music field he is recognised as Krish.

Basically a Mechanical Engineering Professor by profession, his mentor is Padmashri S.P.Balasubramaniam.

His music journey started amidst his education, it's almost 15 years he is in this field, started as a sprouting keyboardist for many Live Orchestra events, then as Lead Singer, that's how "Akshaya Melodies" his dream was built. He wants his knowledge to be passed on to the next generation, that's when he started tutoring students of all ages from school students to elders. He understood the stress buster is music for many, also he made people to recreate their depression, anxiety and productive Music. Many professionals from varied fields viz Doctors, Builders, Retired Govt employees, IT employees are learning Music from many countries. He has trained many Special children & brought out their inner talent.

People have to encourage such hidden talent!

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