Luke Skluzacek was born on March 1st, 2006, in Montgomery, Minnesota. Luke attended Tri-City United High School in Montgomery. When Luke was 5 years old he was in the America's Supernanny show in Season 1 Episode 8[1]. In high school Luke was awarded the TRIPLE AAA (Academics, Arts, Athletics) award and won the Section 2a Subsection 8 award. He is very involved in his community of Montgomery by being crowned Masopust King for his city. He is very involved being the drum major of the Tri-City United band.


  1. ^ One or more of the preceding sentences incorporates material derived from the "Luke Skluzacek" article on the America's Supernanny Wikia at Fandom (formerly Wikia) and is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike License ().