Draft:Chetan patil competitive programmer

Chetan Patil is a founder of Equinox Tech. Chetan Patil best known for game developer, Application developer and Indian competitive sport programmer who has Great ranking in international Programming competitions. Born: 5 July 1995 at dhule Education: Savitribai Phule Pune University Awards:11th Global Rank in Codingame Summer challenge 2023,Winner of Codigo (Codechef),Finalist of Codevita,Volunteered for "Swapnapurti Foundation" at various schools and colleges during 2015- 2022,Volunteered of "Equinox Event " at K. K. Wagh Institute of Engineering Education & Research Nashik,Finalist of HackwithInfoys,Finalist of Techgig Code Gladiators,Finalist of Computer Society of India programming contests,Google Codejam Second round Qualifications in 18/19/20/2021,Google Kick Start Rounds Rank Top 50 in 19,20/202,5 Star coder at codechef.



https://equinoxtech.odoo.com/ https://www.codingame.com/contests/summer-challenge-2023/leaderboard/global https://www.codechef.com/CWCR2019 https://codeforces.com/profile/patilc125 https://www.techgig.com/codegladiators/pub/patilc125 https://www.naukri.com/code360/contests/codekaze