TLDR; About edit

Hello, and welcome to my user page! I'm Credbolts and it's nice to meet you. I am still learning the ins and outs of Wikipedia editing, so I welcome feedback on anything I contribute to. Please be aware that I am both physically disabled (see: cerebral palsy) and on the autism spectrum, and in those regards I am aware that my tone through text is not easily discerned -- so don't hesitate to let me know if there's any confusion. Also, there will likely be a considerable delay in anything that asks for my reply (typing is the easiest method of communication for me, but I don't admit to being fast at it).

Media I Like edit

Star Trek: The Original Series: (I refuse to expand my horizons for now, unfortunately. Spock is and will always be my favorite and without him I don't know if I'd be able to watch any of TNG and beyond.)


Corpse Party: Blood Covered OST. The game too, of course.

Spider-Man (Tobey Maguire)

Scott Pilgrim: Kim Pine best girl.

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Donatello (turtle) being my favorite.