
Princess Ashley Folasade Adegoke
Olori Olofin Adimula
Olori Ashley
HRH Queen Ashley Folasade Adeyeye-Ogunwusi
Yeye Omi Oodua
Professional Background
University of Greenwich, London, United KingdomBachelors Degree in Accounting and MSc in Accounting and Finance
Member and Fellow of the Association for Accounting Technician (AAT) and Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in the United Kingdom
An entrepreneur who has various businesses in the United Kingdom

Princess Ashley Folashade Adegoke Ogunwusi is the latest addition to the royal family of Ile-Ife, having married Ooni Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi Ojaja II, the monarch of Ife Kingdom. She comes from the esteemed Lafogido ruling house of Ile-Ife and holds a Master's Degree in Accounting and Finance from the University of Greenwich. Alongside managing her businesses in the United Kingdom, she is actively engaged in philanthropy through her NGO, the Ashley Adegoke Foundation, dedicated to assisting underprivileged children and widows. As one of the Queens of the royal court of Oduduwa, Princess Ashley holds a significant position within the Ooni's household. Her marriage to Ooni Adeyeye Enitan Ogunwusi Ojaja II adds to his history of multiple marriages, which includes previous unions with Olori Elizabeth Opeoluwa Akinmuda and Tobi Phillips. The Ooni's marital journey has seen various relationships, including unsuccessful marriages such as those with Adebukola Bombata in 2008 and Zainab-Otiti Obanor in 2016. His most recent prior marriage was with Olori Silekunola in 2018, with whom he shares a son, before their separation in December 2021. [1]

Insights from Olori Ashley Ogunwusi: Balancing Royalty, Motherhood, and Cultural Promotion

In an illuminating interview, Olori Ashley Ogunwusi, consort to the Ooni of Ife, offers insights into her personal life, her relationship with the monarch, and her aspirations as a queen. She underscores the deep spiritual connection she shares with her husband, rooted in their mutual spiritual awareness. Drawing from her upbringing steeped in a rich cultural heritage, Olori Ashley delves into her childhood and the spiritual values instilled by her father, which have profoundly influenced her bond with the Ooni. Despite their enduring commitment, she elucidates the postponement of their official marriage, attributing it to her prioritization of her daughter's well-being.

As a thriving accountant and entrepreneur based in the United Kingdom, Olori Ashley discusses the delicate balancing act required to fulfil her roles as a queen, mother, and businesswoman. She reflects on her distinctive fashion sense, her philanthropic endeavours, and her steadfast dedication to promoting Yoruba culture and traditions. Addressing prevalent perceptions of polygamy within the palace, she articulates her vision for fostering unity and cultural appreciation in Ile Ife. Olori Ashley's narrative embodies traits of resilience, cultural pride, and an unwavering commitment to service, enriching the royal legacy of Ife with her unique perspective and contributions. [2]

Olori Ashley Ogunwusi Leads Osara Festival: A Celebration of Yoruba Tradition and Spirituality

Olori Ashley Ogunwusi, the esteemed Queen of the Ooni of Ife, demonstrated her leadership and devotion as she led numerous natives of Ile-Ife, particularly devotees of Osara, during the celebration of the Osara Festival in the ancient city. Addressing the press before heading to the ancient Osara Groove amidst cheers from the locals, Olori Ogunwusi emphasized the festival's deep spiritual significance, tracing its roots back to time immemorial.

She highlighted the enduring belief of devotees in Osara, noting the multitude of prayer requests made by attendees as a testament to their unwavering faith in the deity. Olori Ogunwusi underscored the historical and cultural relevance of Osara to the Yoruba people, both in Nigeria and across the globe, acknowledging the widespread pilgrimage made by people to celebrate this revered deity. She offered prayers for the fulfillment of the attendees' requests, invoking the blessings of Olodumare, the supreme deity of the Yoruba pantheon, through Osara.

Additionally, Oba Isoro Ishola Osunwusi, the Olosara of Ife, emphasized the importance of annually celebrating the Osara Festival for all Yoruba sons and daughters. He stressed that failing to honor Osara would have consequences, as the deity is believed to provide children to those who seek her intercession. The Olosara highlighted Osara's virtues as a humble, gentle, and virtuous woman, recounting her lineage as the mother of Okanbi, who bore seven notable children, including the Oba of Benin and other prominent Yoruba rulers.

Encouraging Yorubas to embrace their cultural heritage and cherish their traditions, the Olosara emphasized Osara's pivotal role as the legendary mother of the Yoruba people, underscoring the importance of honoring and preserving their cultural identity. Olori Ashley Ogunwusi's active participation in the Osara Festival exemplifies her dedication to promoting and preserving Yoruba culture and traditions within the royal court of Ife. [3]

Balancing Roles and Identity: Insights from Olori Ashley Ogunwusi

Princess Ashley Folashade Adegoke Ogunwusi, also known as Olori Ashley, holds the distinguished position as the fourth wife of Ooni Adeyeye Ogunwusi of Ife. In a revealing interview, she provided insights into her life and role as a queen within the royal court. Despite their longstanding relationship, her official recognition took time due to considerations regarding her status as a mother and the need to safeguard her daughter. Olori Ashley emphasized the virtues of patience and trust throughout this process.

Residing in the United Kingdom, Olori Ashley clarified that she does not cohabit with her sister wives in Nigeria but maintains respectful and harmonious relationships with them. Drawing from her upbringing in a diverse religious background, she embraced traditional worship and perceives herself as spiritually aligned with her husband. She lauded the Ooni of Ife as her crown jewel, extolling his altruism and unwavering dedication to humanity.

Assertive in her identity, Olori Ashley expressed confidence in her appearance and dismissed any feelings of intimidation in comparison to her fair-skinned sister wives. She underscored the importance of balance in her roles as a queen, mother, and entrepreneur, stressing the significance of priorities and community connections both in the UK and Nigeria. Olori Ashley affirmed her commitment to supporting her husband in preserving the traditions of Ile Ife and fostering trust in the kingdom's cultural heritage. She attributed her ability to manage her myriad responsibilities to divine guidance and the wisdom instilled by her family. [4]

Celebrating Nigerian Cultural Heritage: Olori Ashley at Ayan Atayero Festival, New York

Princess Ashley Folashade Adegoke Ogunwusi, also known as Olori Ashley, showcased her commitment to cultural promotion by participating in the "Ayan Atayero Festival" (Festival of Drums) organized by the Consulate-General of Nigeria in New York and the Royal Festival Inc. This event served as a platform to spotlight Nigeria's cultural richness and heritage in the United States. As the wife of the Ooni of Ife, Olori Ashley conveyed royal greetings from her husband and underscored the paramount importance of Yoruba culture, particularly emphasizing the significance of the drum festival. She eloquently articulated how cultural expressions like this festival have profoundly influenced not only the broader African diaspora but also global cultural diversity, emphasizing their integral role in the world's heritage today. [5]

  1. ^ "Meet Ooni's New Wife, Olori Ashley Folashade Ogunwusi; Ife city Blog Nigeria". 15 October 2022.
  2. ^ "Ooni, my dad and I; The Sun Newspaper Nigeria". 7 May 2023.
  3. ^ "The Ooni's Queen, Olori Ashley Ogunwusi, on Saturday, led numerous natives of Ile-Ife, particularly devotees of Osara, as the ancient city celebrated the festival of the prominent goddess; Nigerian Tribune". 7 May 2023.
  4. ^ "Olori Ashley Speaks; Independent Newspaper Nigeria". 23 April 2023.
  5. ^ "Olori Ashley Speaks on the Yoruba Culture; News Agency of Nigeria (NAN)". 6 August 2023.