Amateur writer and photographer, writing/proofreading skills, have camera, will log on to the Internet.

User page design can be onerous and time consuming. Especially when you don't have a clue where to begin.

The User page design guide provides advice on developing a user page, and sample design elements that you can copy and paste to speed up the process.

To add this auto-updating template to your user page, use {{totd}}

This Wikipedian recites the Wiki Prayer regularly.
God, grant me the serenity to accept the pages I cannot edit,
The courage to edit the pages I can,
And the wisdom to know the difference.
This user enjoys photography.
This user prefers Digital photography.
This user has completed a
half marathon.
This user enjoys playing card games.

pno-1This user is a novice pianist.
vln-1This user is a novice violinist.