Hello! I'm Pao.

"So what's the point of teaching something, to someone, if it doesn't even apply to them?"

"If I were looking for the truth in this sea of opinions, where would I find it?"

"The only truth is that truth doesn't exist. And even that is an opinion."

- OMOCAT[1], the creator of OMORI, from her book "A comic about nothing." These quotes, in my opinion, now applies to Gen Z's internet. It's now hard to find the truth about accusations. And at some point, we just can't find the truth at all.

Imagine actually venting out things that's not supposed to be public and shall be resolved in private. Never ever do that, I'd tell you.

and yes, I also love OMORI.

Waiting for "something" to happen?

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  1. ^ Not to be confused with the company she made, OMOCAT LLC. I'm talking about the OMOCAT as a person.