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Lenin Square
Central food market
Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, as seen from Avacha Bay
Vladivostok Train Station
Trans-Siberian Railway
at kilometer 9288
Ruelle Nick-Auf Der Maur
Close up

Barentsburg, as seen from the docks
Remains of blubber ovens at Smeerenburg
Dirigible launch tower at Ny-Alesund used by Amundsen and Nobile in their 1926 polar expedition
Amundsen monument and North Pole hotel at Ny-Alesund
Vigeland Park
Note damage on the façade
L'Orée shelter in Oka National Park
Chapel on the way up the Oka Calvary trail.
Two of the three chapels at the top of the Oka Calvary trail.
Inside view of one of the Oka Calvary chapels.
Painted relief wood panel in one of the Oka Calvary chapels.

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