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Tip of the day...
Use your watchlist

Each user account has its own watchlist. If you want to easily keep track of an article, you can see the most recent edits by adding it to your watchlist. To do this, simply click the star tab at the top of the page to turn the star blue, and the current page you are viewing will be added to your watchlist. You can add as many pages as you want to your watchlist. To remove it, click on the star again and the star will turn white again.

To see your watchlist click Watchlist at the top of any page of Wikipedia (you must be logged-in).

Read more:
To add this auto-updating template to your user page, use
{{tip of the day}}

Tip of the moment...
Help for new contributors

We have over 100 "help" pages, which are listed here: {{Wikipedia help pages}}.

To ask a question or request help concerning Wikipedia, visit Questions.

See also:
To add this auto-randomizing template to your user page, use {{totd-random}}

Requests for adminship and bureaucratship update
RfA candidate S O N S % Status Ending (UTC) Time left Dups? Report
Pickersgill-Cunliffe 117 0 0 100 Open 00:35, 15 June 2024 3 days, 21 hours no report