Joined August 2 of 2022. Main interests are mathematics (in particular topology and category theory), theoretical physics (in particular General Relativity and quantum field theory) as well as chinese science-fiction (or science-fiction and chinese literature in general). Articles are in German, English and Japanese (soon also in Chinese).

On 3. June 2024 the english Wikipedia includes exactly 6,830,659 articles. There are 24 articles by me:


GEOMETRY: Egan conjecture, K-THEORY: Classifying space for SO(n), Classifying space for SU(n)


NOVELS: Greg Egan: The Clockwork Rocket, The Eternal Flame, The Arrows of Time, Dichronauts, Han Song: Hospital, COLLECTIONS: Greg Egan: Dark Integers and Other Stories, Crystal Nights and Other Stories, Oceanic, Liu Cixin: Hold Up the Sky, SHORT STORIES: Greg Egan: Axiomatic, The Hundred Light-Year Diary, Wang's Carpets, Luminous, Reasons to Be Cheerful, Singleton, Dark Integers, Crystal Nights, Didicosm, Liu Cixin: Contraction, The Village Teacher, 2018-04-01

