Where is the notion coming from that this film takes place in 2008?


This was never stated in the film, was it? Factfanatic1 (talk) 18:30, 26 July 2020 (UTC)Reply

Brandon Cronenberg (writer and director) has said so in an interview: "'In my mind, I set it in 2008 in Toronto in an alternative timeline, a parallel world. I imagined technology had developed in a different way,' said Cronenberg." https://www.hollywoodreporter.com/news/tokyo-brandon-cronenberg-on-the-necessary-violence-of-possessor-and-why-everyone-is-vaping-in-the-film
I don't know if this was ever made explicit in the film. Maybe just some details here and there, like a date printed on a newspaper? To be honest, I never noticed during watching that this was supposed to be in some alternative universe at all, at least not more so than any other fictional movie. Elanguescence (talk) 09:20, 30 December 2020 (UTC)Reply