Francis Trevelyan Miller

Francis Trevelyan Miller (1877–1959) was an American writer and filmmaker.

The Photographic History of The Civil War in Ten Volumes (Francis Trevelyan Miller (Editor-in-chief)
Robert Sampson Lanier (Managing editor)

He is known for his books about exploration, travel and photography. He wrote many books about the American Civil War, including The Photographic History of the Civil War, in Ten Volumes (New York: The Review of Reviews Co., 1912). He also wrote History of WWII: Armed Services Memorial Edition.

He made several feature films and wrote the screenplay for the 1919 film Deliverance, about Helen Keller. In 1955 his photograph of children at a Chicago funfair was selected by Edward Steichen for MoMA's world-touring The Family of Man exhibition.

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