Wikipedia:WikiProject Women's Health/Popular pages

This is a list of pages in the scope of Wikipedia:WikiProject Women's Health along with pageviews.

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List edit

Period: 2024-03-01 to 2024-03-31

Total views: 14,389,253

Updated: 08:55, 9 April 2024 (UTC)

Rank Page title Views Daily average Assessment Importance
1 Sexual intercourse 608,882 19,641 B Top
2 Mons pubis 273,945 8,836 Start Low
3 Anal sex 258,166 8,327 B High
4 Non-penetrative sex 210,912 6,803 C Mid
5 Oral sex 201,365 6,495 B Mid
6 Vagina 196,517 6,339 GA Top
7 Vulva 186,691 6,022 GA High
8 Clitoris 153,668 4,957 GA High
9 Roe v. Wade 152,930 4,933 B High
10 Breast 131,552 4,243 B Top
11 Female genital mutilation 129,452 4,175 FA Top
12 In vitro fertilisation 126,778 4,089 C Top
13 Major depressive disorder 126,763 4,089 FA High
14 Rape 118,370 3,818 B High
15 HIV/AIDS 115,986 3,741 GA Top
16 Fibromyalgia 112,962 3,643 B High
17 Vitamin D 112,624 3,633 B High
18 Lithopedion 111,819 3,607 Start Unknown
19 G-spot 110,534 3,565 GA Mid
20 Surrogacy 93,058 3,001 B Low
21 Sexual penetration 90,487 2,918 Start Mid
22 Endometriosis 88,666 2,860 B High
23 Post-traumatic stress disorder 88,113 2,842 B High
24 Syphilis 87,484 2,822 GA Top
25 Testosterone 86,959 2,805 B Mid
26 Pregnancy 83,833 2,704 B Top
27 Human papillomavirus infection 80,059 2,582 B High
28 Mahmudiyah rape and killings 78,768 2,540 C Low
29 Sexual assault 78,235 2,523 C Mid
30 Melanoma 74,554 2,404 B Mid
31 Caesarean section 74,263 2,395 B Mid
32 Hymen 72,671 2,344 C Mid
33 Polycystic ovary syndrome 69,895 2,254 B High
34 Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization 69,218 2,232 B High
35 Labia minora 66,881 2,157 C Low
36 Rape in India 64,800 2,090 B Low
37 Colostrum 63,533 2,049 B High
38 Labia 63,298 2,041 C Top
39 HPV vaccine 61,445 1,982 B High
40 Comstock laws 59,911 1,932 C Low
41 Staphylococcus aureus 59,531 1,920 B Low
42 Menstruation 59,354 1,914 B High
43 Sex organ 57,871 1,866 C Low
44 Abortion 57,302 1,848 B High
45 Sexually transmitted infection 57,195 1,845 B High
46 Sexuality in Islam 54,984 1,773 B Low
47 Labia majora 54,472 1,757 Start Low
48 Penile-vaginal intercourse 54,368 1,753 B High
49 Oxytocin 53,623 1,729 B Mid
50 Myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic fatigue syndrome 53,426 1,723 GA Mid
51 Nipple 53,230 1,717 C High
52 Spironolactone 52,560 1,695 B Mid
53 Anorexia nervosa 51,061 1,647 B Mid
54 Uterus 49,996 1,612 B Top
55 Progesterone 49,917 1,610 B Top
56 Obesity 49,422 1,594 GA High
57 Pre-eclampsia 48,528 1,565 B High
58 Menstrual cycle 48,109 1,551 FA Top
59 Chlamydia 48,056 1,550 B Top
60 Rape during the occupation of Germany 47,262 1,524 C Low
61 Gynaecology 46,410 1,497 C Top
62 Bulimia nervosa 45,551 1,469 B Mid
63 Hysterectomy 45,531 1,468 B Top
64 Sexual slavery 45,496 1,467 C Low
65 Gender-affirming surgery 44,618 1,439 C Mid
66 Clindamycin 43,250 1,395 GA Mid
67 Sexual reproduction 43,110 1,390 C Mid
68 Cervix 43,023 1,387 GA Top
69 Gonorrhea 42,574 1,373 B Mid
70 Toxoplasmosis 41,639 1,343 B Mid
71 Rape statistics 41,474 1,337 C Low
72 Domperidone 41,390 1,335 B Mid
73 Sex trafficking 40,296 1,299 C Mid
74 Vaginal lubrication 38,495 1,241 Start Mid
75 Osteoporosis 37,835 1,220 C High
76 Pregnancy over age 50 37,697 1,216 Start Mid
77 Clitoral erection 37,510 1,210 C Low
78 Female reproductive system 37,312 1,203 C Top
79 Calcium 37,170 1,199 GA High
80 Sexual harassment 37,114 1,197 B High
81 Estrogen 35,964 1,160 B Top
82 Sexual abuse 35,946 1,159 C High
83 Finasteride 35,901 1,158 B Mid
84 Hair 35,318 1,139 B High
85 Nipple stimulation 35,296 1,138 C Low
86 Gynecomastia 35,102 1,132 C Low
87 Fallopian tube 34,860 1,124 C High
88 Childbirth 34,462 1,111 B Top
89 Hammam 33,653 1,085 B Mid
90 Mycoplasma 32,771 1,057 C Unknown
91 Mifepristone 32,565 1,050 B High
92 Multiple birth 32,553 1,050 C Mid
93 Episiotomy 32,009 1,032 C Mid
94 Gang rape 31,900 1,029 C Mid
95 Human vaginal size 31,612 1,019 Start Mid
96 Metoclopramide 31,176 1,005 C Mid
97 Ectopic pregnancy 30,820 994 B High
98 Pediatrics 30,432 981 C High
99 Tampon 30,141 972 C Mid
100 Abortion law 30,098 970 C High
101 Ergot 30,059 969 C Low
102 Stillbirth 30,051 969 C Top
103 Areola 29,779 960 Start Unknown
104 Coitus interruptus 29,704 958 B Mid
105 Breast cancer 29,697 957 B Top
106 Placenta 29,583 954 C Mid
107 Birth control 29,570 953 GA Top
108 Miscarriage 29,141 940 B Top
109 Androgen 28,934 933 B Low
110 Abortion in the United States 28,733 926 B Mid
111 Adenomyosis 28,721 926 B Low
112 Boric acid 28,713 926 C Low
113 Menstrual cup 28,609 922 C Mid
114 Obstetrics and gynaecology 28,604 922 C High
115 Abortion law in the United States by state 28,441 917 C Low
116 Teratoma 28,376 915 C Mid
117 Kegel exercise 28,308 913 C Unknown
118 Oxandrolone 28,087 906 B Mid
119 Mastectomy 28,050 904 C Top
120 Vulval vestibule 27,961 901 Start Unknown
121 Menopause 27,703 893 B Top
122 Vaginoplasty 27,421 884 C Mid
123 Toxic shock syndrome 27,352 882 B Mid
124 Generalized anxiety disorder 27,349 882 C High
125 Long COVID 27,343 882 GA Mid
126 Birth defect 27,099 874 B Top
127 Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder 26,892 867 B Mid
128 Lactobacillus 26,834 865 C Low
129 Mother 26,474 854 C High
130 Genital modification and mutilation 26,405 851 B Low
131 Labiaplasty 26,047 840 B Low
132 Skene's gland 25,770 831 Start Low
133 Corrective rape 25,770 831 C Low
134 Obstetrics 25,704 829 B High
135 Luteal phase 25,658 827 Start Low
136 Breast milk 25,554 824 C Mid
137 Doula 25,289 815 C Mid
138 Bra 25,184 812 C Mid
139 Safe sex 24,699 796 B Low
140 Postpartum period 24,526 791 C High
141 Women who have sex with women 24,486 789 Start Low
142 Luteinizing hormone 24,302 783 Start Top
143 Ovary 24,269 782 C Top
144 Silphium 24,166 779 C Low
145 Marital rape 23,756 766 B Low
146 Breastfeeding 23,344 753 B High
147 Wet nurse 22,953 740 C Mid
148 Genital wart 22,658 730 B Top
149 Clitoral hood 22,580 728 Start Low
150 Gravidity and parity 22,454 724 C Mid
151 Pap test 22,378 721 C Top
152 Cervical cancer 22,281 718 B Top
153 Squamous-cell carcinoma 22,230 717 C Mid
154 Female hysteria 22,224 716 C High
155 Human embryonic development 22,097 712 C Low
156 Dehydroepiandrosterone 21,902 706 B Mid
157 Dydrogesterone 21,887 706 B Mid
158 Estradiol 21,886 706 B Top
159 Artificial insemination 21,689 699 C Unknown
160 Hormone replacement therapy 21,634 697 B High
161 Ovulation 21,590 696 B Top
162 Abortion in France 21,580 696 Start Mid
163 Apgar score 21,537 694 C Mid
164 Human chorionic gonadotropin 21,505 693 C Mid
165 Implantation (embryology) 20,432 659 C High
166 Trisomy X 20,305 655 GA Mid
167 Gender-affirming surgery (male-to-female) 20,211 651 C Unknown
168 Intrauterine device 20,085 647 B High
169 Cephalic presentation 19,831 639 C Unknown
170 Douche 19,746 636 Start Unknown
171 Jennifer Worth 19,719 636 C Low
172 Endometrium 19,694 635 C Low
173 Vaginal discharge 19,587 631 Start Unknown
174 Pessary 19,399 625 Start Low
175 Postpartum depression 19,243 620 C High
176 Dihydrotestosterone 19,071 615 B Mid
177 Planned Parenthood 19,035 614 GA High
178 Prolactin 18,626 600 B Mid
179 Pentasomy X 18,598 599 GA Low
180 Vaginismus 18,548 598 B High
181 Skin whitening 18,433 594 B Mid
182 Kathua rape case 18,421 594 C Low
183 Zygote 18,308 590 Start Unknown
184 Ruta graveolens 18,203 587 C Low
185 Nandrolone 18,068 582 C Low
186 Vitamin D deficiency 18,038 581 B Low
187 Breast hypertrophy 17,913 577 C Unknown
188 Menstruation in Islam 17,894 577 Start Low
189 Misoprostol 17,820 574 C Unknown
190 Menarche 17,809 574 C Top
191 Pelvic floor 17,570 566 C Mid
192 Phenylketonuria 17,543 565 B Unknown
193 Feminizing hormone therapy 17,467 563 B Mid
194 Hyperemesis gravidarum 17,418 561 B Top
195 Levonorgestrel 17,187 554 C High
196 Islam and abortion 17,008 548 C Mid
197 Midwife 16,992 548 C Low
198 Epidural administration 16,929 546 GA Low
199 Clitoromegaly 16,892 544 C Unknown
200 Ovarian cancer 16,776 541 B Top
201 Enclomifene 16,758 540 C Low
202 Eclampsia 16,646 536 C Unknown
203 Bartholin's gland 16,591 535 C Low
204 Mammary gland 16,469 531 B Top
205 Oocyte cryopreservation 16,444 530 C Mid
206 Clomifene 16,340 527 C Mid
207 Breast augmentation 16,205 522 B Mid
208 Nipple piercing 15,851 511 Start High
209 Personal protective equipment 15,701 506 C Low
210 Indometacin 15,626 504 B Unknown
211 Husband stitch 15,316 494 C Mid
212 Combined oral contraceptive pill 15,115 487 B Top
213 Infant formula 15,072 486 B Mid
214 Tamoxifen 15,067 486 B High
215 Violence against women 15,042 485 B Top
216 Vaginal fornix 15,026 484 Start Mid
217 Menstrual pad 14,556 469 C Mid
218 Hypogonadism 14,555 469 C Low
219 Cryopreservation 14,470 466 C Low
220 Clitoral hood reduction 14,462 466 Start Low
221 Abortion in India 14,230 459 B Mid
222 Sexual abstinence 14,139 456 B Low
223 Nifedipine 14,119 455 B Unknown
224 Norethisterone 14,006 451 B Mid
225 Uterine fibroid 13,841 446 B High
226 False accusation of rape 13,832 446 C High
227 Postpartum infections 13,807 445 C Unknown
228 Streptococcus agalactiae 13,772 444 B Mid
229 Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy 13,747 443 Start Unknown
230 Zika virus 13,706 442 B Mid
231 Letrozole 13,645 440 Start Mid
232 Breast implant 13,560 437 B Mid
233 Dysplasia 13,545 436 C Unknown
234 Family planning 13,472 434 B Top
235 Congenital heart defect 13,303 429 C Mid
236 Spanish fly 13,264 427 GA Low
237 Premenstrual dysphoric disorder 13,114 423 C Unknown
238 Diethylstilbestrol 13,112 422 B Mid
239 Mastitis 12,963 418 C High
240 Clostridium 12,896 416 C High
241 Preterm birth 12,844 414 C Unknown
242 Hypoactive sexual desire disorder 12,583 405 C Low
243 Abdominal pregnancy 12,578 405 B Mid
244 Müllerian agenesis 12,545 404 C Unknown
245 Sexual dysfunction 12,439 401 B Mid
246 Bacterial vaginosis 12,432 401 B Top
247 Mammography 12,271 395 C Mid
248 Violence against women in India 12,236 394 Start Low
249 Mentha pulegium 12,139 391 Start Unknown
250 Dutasteride 12,133 391 B Low
251 False pregnancy 12,116 390 C Unknown
252 Cardiotocography 11,859 382 Start High
253 Coffin birth 11,698 377 GA Low
254 Trichomoniasis 11,649 375 B Top
255 Female urinal 11,554 372 C Low
256 Medroxyprogesterone acetate 11,545 372 B Mid
257 Dysmenorrhea 11,438 368 B High
258 Abortion in the United Kingdom 11,376 366 C Low
259 Pregnancy test 11,372 366 C Low
260 Cyproterone acetate 11,359 366 B High
261 Follicle-stimulating hormone 11,295 364 Start Top
262 Child care 11,270 363 C Low
263 Estradiol (medication) 11,267 363 B Top
264 Penis captivus 11,251 362 C Unknown
265 Supernumerary nipple 11,048 356 Start Unknown
266 Antiandrogen 11,029 355 B High
267 Abortion in Canada 11,026 355 B Mid
268 Amniotic fluid 10,963 353 C High
269 Antiphospholipid syndrome 10,926 352 C Low
270 Buck v. Bell 10,892 351 B Low
271 Til Death Do Us Part (2023 film) 10,842 349 Start Low
272 Endometrial cancer 10,740 346 FA Top
273 Desogestrel 10,681 344 B Mid
274 Leuprorelin 10,579 341 C Mid
275 History of abortion 10,556 340 B Low
276 Breech birth 10,474 337 C Unknown
277 Ptosis (breasts) 10,459 337 C High
278 Maternal death 10,417 336 Start High
279 Timeline of HIV/AIDS 10,373 334 List Mid
280 Caul 10,227 329 Start Unknown
281 Missionaries of Charity 10,209 329 C Mid
282 Follicular phase 10,194 328 Start Low
283 Anti-abortion movements 10,165 327 List Mid
284 Amenorrhea 10,143 327 C High
285 Placenta praevia 10,099 325 C Unknown
286 Pelvic inflammatory disease 10,074 324 B Top
287 Monoamniotic twins 9,996 322 C Low
288 Copper IUD 9,949 320 B High
289 Sex-selective abortion 9,948 320 C Unknown
290 Bartholin's cyst 9,902 319 Start Unknown
291 Ovarian cyst 9,860 318 C Unknown
292 Pregnancy from rape 9,835 317 B High
293 Fetal viability 9,825 316 Start Unknown
294 Female condom 9,792 315 B Mid
295 Premenstrual syndrome 9,778 315 B Mid
296 Infant respiratory distress syndrome 9,773 315 C Mid
297 Dyspareunia 9,714 313 Start High
298 Inverted nipple 9,678 312 C Unknown
299 Bifidobacterium 9,676 312 B High
300 Aromatase inhibitor 9,620 310 C Mid
301 Gestational diabetes 9,582 309 B Top
302 Pregnenolone 9,574 308 Start Low
303 Molar pregnancy 9,561 308 C Unknown
304 Transgender hormone therapy 9,555 308 B Mid
305 Medical abortion 9,496 306 C Low
306 Abortifacient 9,383 302 B Mid
307 Religious views on female genital mutilation 9,314 300 B High
308 Progestogen (medication) 9,291 299 C Mid
309 Vaginal delivery 9,288 299 Start Unknown
310 Bathing 9,259 298 C Low
311 Diastasis recti 9,251 298 Start Unknown
312 Vulvar cancer 9,235 297 C Top
313 Abortion debate 9,151 295 B Low
314 Sexual and reproductive health 9,146 295 C High
315 HELLP syndrome 9,114 294 C Unknown
316 Prenatal development 9,071 292 C Unknown
317 Galactorrhea 9,059 292 Start Unknown
318 Uterine myomectomy 8,966 289 C Unknown
319 Hacienda HealthCare sexual abuse case 8,962 289 Start Low
320 Cryptic pregnancy 8,959 289 C Low
321 Vaginal flatulence 8,948 288 Stub Low
322 Actinomycetota 8,919 287 C Low
323 Sexual violence 8,911 287 C High
324 Drostanolone propionate 8,891 286 C Low
325 Leukorrhea 8,876 286 Start Mid
326 Abortion-rights movements 8,862 285 B Mid
327 Nandrolone decanoate 8,796 283 B Mid
328 Cutaneous squamous-cell carcinoma 8,749 282 B Low
329 Late termination of pregnancy 8,695 280 B High
330 Reproductive rights 8,600 277 C Unknown
331 Linea nigra 8,598 277 Stub Unknown
332 Rape in the United States 8,535 275 C Low
333 Leiomyosarcoma 8,511 274 Start Mid
334 Rape during the Vietnam War 8,508 274 C Low
335 Marital rape laws by country 8,507 274 List Low
336 Tubal ligation 8,414 271 C Mid
337 Uterine cancer 8,403 271 Start High
338 Ovotesticular syndrome 8,400 270 Start Mid
339 Ethinylestradiol 8,371 270 B Top
340 Bicalutamide 8,361 269 B Low
341 Clitoridectomy 8,281 267 C Mid
342 Artificial womb 8,251 266 C Mid
343 Vaginal contraction 8,232 265 Start Unknown
344 Rape in Pakistan 8,205 264 C Low
345 List of sovereign states by sex ratio 8,205 264 List Low
346 Corpus luteum 8,203 264 C Mid
347 Anastrozole 8,143 262 C High
348 Lochia 8,114 261 Start High
349 Dilation and curettage 8,041 259 Start Mid
350 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone 7,987 257 Start Mid
351 Abortion in Europe 7,956 256 C Mid
352 2022 California Proposition 1 7,944 256 B Mid
353 Midwifery 7,873 253 B Top
354 Assisted reproductive technology 7,842 252 B Top
355 Anovulatory cycle 7,824 252 C High
356 Bulb of vestibule 7,793 251 Start Low
357 Persistent genital arousal disorder 7,775 250 C Low
358 Postpartum psychosis 7,771 250 C High
359 Norfloxacin 7,704 248 C Top
360 Sexual misconduct 7,703 248 Start Mid
361 Dermoid cyst 7,689 248 Start Unknown
362 Abortion in the Republic of Ireland 7,657 247 C Mid
363 Etonogestrel 7,654 246 C Mid
364 Catholic Church and abortion 7,642 246 C Low
365 Menstrual synchrony 7,629 246 C Low
366 Vaginal yeast infection 7,623 245 C Mid
367 Stretch marks 7,546 243 Start Mid
368 Surrogacy laws by country 7,475 241 Start Low
369 Pelvic organ prolapse 7,438 239 Start Unknown
370 Anomaly scan 7,411 239 C High
371 Nanny 7,265 234 C Mid
372 Rape during the occupation of Japan 7,246 233 C Low
373 Obstructed labour 7,242 233 C Unknown
374 Braxton Hicks contractions 7,237 233 Start Mid
375 Testosterone (medication) 7,210 232 B Low
376 Breast reduction 7,173 231 Start High
377 Drospirenone 7,169 231 B Mid
378 Self-induced abortion 7,169 231 C Low
379 Tansy 7,160 230 B Low
380 Gestational age 7,139 230 C High
381 Lower segment Caesarean section 7,128 229 Start Unknown
382 Salpingectomy 7,096 228 Start Unknown
383 Obstetric ultrasonography 7,096 228 C High
384 Primary ovarian insufficiency 7,081 228 C Unknown
385 Amniocentesis 7,076 228 Start High
386 Emergency contraception 7,063 227 B Top
387 Breast development 7,050 227 C Unknown
388 Vacuum aspiration 6,971 224 C Mid
389 Androstenedione 6,955 224 C Low
390 Tetrasomy X 6,910 222 GA Low
391 Serial rapist 6,899 222 Start High
392 Christianity and abortion 6,898 222 B Mid
393 Fibroadenoma 6,890 222 C Mid
394 Miraculous births 6,825 220 B Mid
395 Sex differences in psychology 6,817 219 C High
396 Labor induction 6,804 219 Start Unknown
397 Birth weight 6,788 218 C High
398 Vaginal rugae 6,782 218 Start Low
399 Age and female fertility 6,742 217 B Mid
400 Rho(D) immune globulin 6,731 217 C Low
401 Thelarche 6,720 216 Start Low
402 Uterus didelphys 6,682 215 Start Unknown
403 Pharmacokinetics of estradiol 6,665 215 B Mid
404 Cervical cerclage 6,647 214 Start Unknown
405 5α-Reductase inhibitor 6,579 212 C Mid
406 Gonadotropin-releasing hormone agonist 6,563 211 Start Mid
407 Weaning 6,539 210 C High
408 Leopold's maneuvers 6,531 210 B Mid
409 Mastopexy 6,509 209 B High
410 Prostaglandin E2 6,472 208 B Unknown
411 Levite's concubine 6,431 207 C Low
412 BRCA mutation 6,368 205 C High
413 Megestrol acetate 6,322 203 B Mid
414 Obstetrical forceps 6,309 203 Start Unknown
415 Death of Savita Halappanavar 6,308 203 B Low
416 Embryonal carcinoma 6,285 202 Start Mid
417 Hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis 6,278 202 Start Low
418 Human–animal breastfeeding 6,263 202 B Low
419 Night sweats 6,255 201 Start Unknown
420 Nuchal scan 6,233 201 C Unknown
421 List of rape victims from ancient history and mythology 6,168 198 List Low
422 Abortion in the Philippines 6,163 198 Start Mid
423 Cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 6,137 197 C High
424 Hot flash 6,110 197 C Unknown
425 Dienogest 6,095 196 B Mid
426 Cystocele 6,056 195 C High
427 Fusobacterium nucleatum 6,027 194 Start Low
428 Baby-led weaning 6,024 194 Start Mid
429 Estradiol valerate 6,016 194 B Mid
430 Pseudohermaphroditism 6,003 193 Start Low
431 Amniotic fluid index 5,992 193 Start Low
432 Vaginitis 5,989 193 B Top
433 Nandrolone phenylpropionate 5,981 192 C Mid
434 Claviceps purpurea 5,976 192 C Low
435 Prevalence of female genital mutilation 5,937 191 C Low
436 Monochorionic twins 5,934 191 C Low
437 Diaphragm (birth control) 5,931 191 B Mid
438 Breastfeeding in public 5,927 191 C Mid
439 Female genital mutilation in India 5,920 190 C Mid
440 Rape in China 5,916 190 Start Low
441 Breast binding 5,913 190 Start Low
442 Uterus transplantation 5,886 189 C Mid
443 Ergometrine 5,870 189 Start Mid
444 Areolar gland 5,862 189 Start Unknown
445 Oophorectomy 5,821 187 B Unknown
446 Myometrium 5,793 186 Start Low
447 Facial feminization surgery 5,765 185 Start Unknown
448 Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy 5,763 185 B High
449 Baby fever 5,761 185 Start Low
450 Abortion in Germany 5,748 185 Start Mid
451 Breastfeeding in Islam 5,727 184 C Low
452 Heavy menstrual bleeding 5,683 183 C High
453 Twilight sleep 5,677 183 C Low
454 Rh disease 5,667 182 B Mid
455 Decidua 5,631 181 Start Mid
456 Amniotic sac 5,593 180 C High
457 Placental abruption 5,590 180 C Unknown
458 Ovarian follicle 5,521 178 Start Low
459 Spinnbarkeit 5,516 177 Stub Mid
460 Tibolone 5,473 176 C Mid
461 Abortion in Texas 5,461 176 B Low
462 Symphysiotomy 5,460 176 Start Unknown
463 Postpartum confinement 5,447 175 B High
464 Pregnancy category 5,412 174 Start Unknown
465 Vaginectomy 5,383 173 Start Unknown
466 Urethral sponge 5,378 173 Stub Mid
467 Sue Johanson 5,374 173 C Low
468 Unintended pregnancy 5,356 172 Start High
469 Germ cell tumor 5,339 172 Start Mid
470 Pelvic floor dysfunction 5,328 171 Start High
471 Abortion in Australia 5,323 171 B Mid
472 Lumpectomy 5,306 171 Start Top
473 Progestogen 5,266 169 Start Top
474 Prenatal care 5,262 169 C Mid
475 Frenulum of labia minora 5,260 169 Stub Low
476 Violence against women during the Partition of India 5,237 168 C Mid
477 Loop electrical excision procedure 5,190 167 Start Low
478 Gonadotropin 5,177 167 C Mid
479 Morning sickness 5,170 166 C High
480 Late onset congenital adrenal hyperplasia 5,165 166 GA Mid
481 Allopregnanolone 5,141 165 C Low
482 Chorion 5,128 165 Start Low
483 Problematic social media use 5,122 165 C Low
484 Hormonal intrauterine device 5,112 164 C Unknown
485 Pyometra 5,106 164 B Mid
486 Shelley Lynn Thornton 5,003 161 C Unknown
487 Abortion in Russia 4,972 160 C Low
488 Leydig cell 4,933 159 Start Low
489 Hydrops fetalis 4,927 158 Start Mid
490 Effects of hormones on sexual motivation 4,920 158 C Unknown
491 Bishop score 4,911 158 Start Low
492 Accessory breast 4,908 158 Start Low
493 Advanced maternal age 4,874 157 C Mid
494 Mycoplasma hominis 4,845 156 Start Unknown
495 Masturbate-a-thon 4,833 155 Start Low
496 Ulipristal acetate 4,827 155 C Unknown
497 Norgestrel 4,816 155 Start Mid
498 Bicornuate uterus 4,784 154 C Unknown
499 Velamentous cord insertion 4,755 153 Stub Unknown
500 Stroma (tissue) 4,722 152 Stub Low