Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Tasks/doc

When a request is accepted, MediationBot will list the new case in the "Unassigned" section of the template. When a mediator assigns his or herself to the case, the case's listing should be moved to the "Assigned" section of the template and the "U" template replaced with a template of one of the following two formats (using the 'A' and 'A2' function as appropriate).

In the case of an assigned case with a single mediator:

{{Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Tasks/A | Senkaku Islands | Feezo | FZ | 5 May 2011 | status}}

If there are two co-mediators:

{{Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Tasks/A | Sailor Moon (English adaptation) | Sunray | Sry | M2L = Wgfinley | M2N = WGF | 28 Nov 2011 | status}}

Please see below for the value of the respective parameters, if any explanation is required. Please see #Status for information on the |status= parameter.

The sub-templates used to list open cases or nominations should never be substituted. Substitution will break the bot, clutter the Tasks template, and is unnecessary.



{{Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Tasks/U|x|y}}

  • This template is used to list unassigned cases. MediationBot lists unassigned cases for us.
  • x is the case subpage name; e.g. for Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Former Yugoslavia naming conventions, |Former Yugoslavia naming conventions
  • y is the username of the mediator assigned to the case; e.g. |Keilana
  • z is the initials of the mediator, displayed for brevity in place of their full username; e.g. Keilana's could be |KL or |Kei
  • a is the date the case was opened; e.g. |1 July 2012
  • b is the status of the case; see #Status for possible parameters.

{{Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Tasks/A|x|y|z|a|b}}

  • This template is used to list assigned cases that have a single mediator. Mediators do this when they self-assign to a case.
  • y is the username of the mediator assigned to the case; e.g. |Keilana
  • z is the initials of the mediator, displayed for brevity in place of their full username; e.g. Keilana's could be |KL or |Kei
  • a is the date the case was opened; e.g. |1 July 2012
  • b is the status of the case; see #Status for possible parameters

{{Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Tasks/A|x|y|z|M2L=y2|M2N=z2|a|b}}

  • The above template is used with two extra parameters if you wish to list an assigned case that has multiple co-mediators. Mediators do this when they self-assign to a case.
  • x is the case name; e.g. for Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Former Yugoslavia naming conventions, |Former Yugoslavia naming conventions
  • y is the username of the first mediator assigned to the case; e.g. |Sunray
  • z is the initials of the first mediator, displayed for brevity in place of their full username; e.g. Sunrays's could be |SR
  • |M2L= is the username of the second mediator assigned to the case; e.g. |M2L=Lord Roem
  • |M2N= is the initials of the second mediator assigned to the case; e.g. Lord Roem's could be |M2N=LR
  • a is the date the case was opened; e.g. |1 July 2012
  • b is the status of the case; see #Status for possible parameters

{{Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Tasks/N|x|y}}

Template is no longer used. Nominations are no longer listed on the Open Tasks template.

{{Wikipedia:Requests for mediation/Tasks/None}}

  • This template is used to populate an empty section. Mediation does this for us.
  • For instance, if there were no unassigned cases, MediationBot would add the template underneath the "Unassigned" header. The bot would remove the None line if it added an unassigned case. For sections that MediationBot does not populate, like the "Assigned" section, then the bot will remove the None line if a mediator adds an assigned case to the previously-empty section.



In order to make it clear what is the status of each case, a parameter for the status is required from both templates. Possible options include |Active, |Review, and |Stale. If no status is given, an "Unknown" will be displayed.

Cases may be moved between "Assigned" and "On hold" as required, or the mediator and other information removed and the case returned to "Unassigned" if the mediator is unable or unavailable to continue with the case.

See also
