Wikipedia:Featured articles in other languages/Belarusian Wikipedia (Classical)

The table below lists the featured articles for a given "foreign-" (i.e., non-English-)language Wikipedia initially sorted by the number of corresponding articles in other Wikipedias. The "Languages" column indicates the number of articles on all Wikipedias corresponding to the other-language featured article; the "#" column provides a ranking based on this sorting.

The "Articles in English" column shows to what extent the other-language articles are represented on the English Wikipedia (en-wiki):

  • The ✓ green background means the other-language article exists about that specific topic in en-wiki, using an appropriate English title.
  • The ✗ red background means the other-language article does NOT have a one-to-one correspondence on en-wiki. Where there is a red-linked title, no article exists with an identical or corresponding title. A blue-linked title indicates a redirect to an en-wiki page, which can also be a dab page or a section in another subject's article. A link of the form {{d:Q12345678}} points to a Wikidata item with either the same name as the other-language article title or what is believed to be an appropriate corresponding name.
  • Icons indicate high-quality articles in en-wiki: is a featured article, is a good article. (No other quality levels are shown; the lack of an icon means merely that the English article is neither FA nor GA.)

Article list

Article list of "Wikipedia:featured articles" in Belarusian Wikipedia (Classical)
# Articles in Belarusian Wikipedia (Classical) instance of Articles in English Count of languages
1 Летува country, unitary state, sovereign state Lithuania 332
2 Стакгольм city, capital city, human settlement Stockholm 265
3 Менск capital city, Hero City of the Soviet Union, big city Minsk 218
4 Арганізацыя Паўночнаатлянтычнай дамовы intergovernmental organization, international organization, military alliance NATO   214
5 Украінская мова language, modern language Ukrainian language 207
6 Фрыдрых Шылер human Friedrich Schiller 173
7 Шатляндзкая мова natural language, language, modern language Scots language 109
8 Грунвальдзкая бітва battle Battle of Grunwald   66
9 Ворша city of raion subordinance Orsha 65
10 Пінск big city, city of oblast subordinance Pinsk 62
11 Гісторыя Эстоніі history of a country or state History of Estonia 50
12 Усходні фронт war front Eastern Front (World War I) 49
13 Заходні фронт war front Western Front (World War I) 48
14 Праславянская мова proto-language Proto-Slavic language 43
15 Ярамір Ягр human Jaromír Jágr 42
16 Максім Багдановіч human Maksim Bahdanovič 37
17 Францішак Скарына human Francysk Skaryna 34
18 Пагоня coat of arms Pahonia 31
19 Уладзімер Караткевіч human Uladzimir Karatkievich 31
20 Тэрарыстычны акт у менскім мэтро explosion, terrorist attack 2011 Minsk Metro bombing 27
21 Курапаты cemetery, field name, execution chamber Kurapaty 27
22 Беларускі клясычны правапіс orthography Taraškievica 26
23 Мовы Канады Languages of Canada 21
24 Бел-чырвона-белы сьцяг national flag White-red-white flag 21
25 Гусарыя heavy cavalry Polish hussars 20
26 Галакост у Эстоніі the Holocaust in one country The Holocaust in Estonia 17
27 Ян Чачот human Jan Czeczot 16
28 Паўночна-Заходні край administrative territorial entity of the Russian Empire Northwestern Krai 14
29 Русіфікацыя Беларусі Russification Russification of Belarus 11
30 Касьцёл Зьвеставаньня Найсьвяцейшай Панны Марыі і кляштар брыгітак church building, Catholic church building Church of Annunciation of Virgin Mary (Hrodna) 8
31 Мяцеж Глінскіх rebellion Glinski rebellion 8
32 Летувізацыя cultural assimilation Lithuanization 8
33 Траецкае прадмесьце faubourg Trinity Suburb 6
34 Агенцтва гарантаванага пакрыцьця банкаўскіх укладаў (дэпазытаў) фізычных асобаў government organization Agency of Deposit Compensation of Belarus 5
35 Hair Peace Salon musical ensemble Hair Peace Salon 5
36 Польскае таварыства «Асьвета» organization Polish "Education" Society in Minsk (d:Q3918896) 5
37 Выбух і пажар на заводзе «Пінскдрэў-ДСП» explosion, structure fire ✗ (d:Q3919255) 4
38 Вуліца Карла Маркса street Karl Marx street (d:Q2047842) 4
39 Паўстаньне 1863 году на Пружаншчыне rebellion ✗ (d:Q13031942) 3
40 Інтэрнацыянальная вуліца street vulica Internacyjanaĺnaja (d:Q13614142) 3
Average With English: en/be-tarask (Belarusian Wikipedia (Classical)) = 35/40 (87.5%) 58.4
Sum No article or article with the same title: 3
No label: 2

See also
