Maulana Abul Kalam Azad: A Man Who Knew The Future

In the galaxy of the patriots of India's freedom struggle, among the most heroic fighters, there stand a burning name in the entire history of India, a personality who can be described as revolutionlist, educationist, a distinguished orator, writer, peace preacher, journalist, and most importantly a man who cared for the future generation, a man who cared for us Maulan Abul Kalam Mohiuddin Azad. Who knew that 11th November 1888 will witness the birth of this great leader who not only looked forward for independence but also accumulated the future of India? Oxford dictionary defines the word future as a period of time which is still to come. Maulana Azad did not possess a super natural power which made him know the future of course, rather it was his ability, the wide vision of his thoughts which did not let him sleep but awaken him for the future. Being brought up in the family tradition he was only confronted with the education his father gave him but his lust of education did not leave him. Taking Sir Syed Ahmad Khan as his inspiration he got a new vision to look India as a nationalist. The examples of knowledge seekers are like that of three kinds of lands, the first one when it rains (knowledge is given to him) the water flows over it but the land is not able to absorb any water due to its rigidity, the second type of land during rain absorbs little amount of water to fulfil its needs and the third kind of land which absorbs water, make the soil useful, trees bearing flowers grow on this land which not only satisfies its need but also is beneficial to others, similarly Maulana Azad was of third kind of knowledge seeker who not only acquired knowledge but also imparted it to others, imparted it to today’s leaders with his paper works and by his biography. Nairange-Alam, Lisan-us-sidq, Tarjuman-ul-Quran, Tazkirah and Ghubar-e-Khatir are some of his writings. His sacrifices and generosity made his birthday to be celebrated as the National Education Day by the Union Ministry of Human Resource development. The vision that Maulana Abul Kalam Azad set out for education is that of universal education of the basic pattern for all children of school going age, followed by a diversified secondary education. He believed that an unsatisfactory system of secondary education undermines the entire system of education in the country. He gave a new tool to fight for freedom and that is education. Maulana Azad did not follow a path but instead went where there is no path and left a trail for the future generation to follow. Today whenever a child is born the parents dreams for their child to become doctor, engineer, chartered accountant, business manager, sportsman but no one dream for his child to become a national leader like Maulana Azad, why is it so? Today we have educated citizen because of Maulana Azad but if we have leaders like him there will be no threat to our coming generation as we will be caring for our children and will also be called ' A Man Who Know the Future.’

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