Burhan Beg Jaff

Burhan Beg was a young man of immense intelligence and knowledge that could be seen on his face; he combined the intelligent skills and high up- bringing that attracted admiration of others. His cultural standard pushed him to the level of rational young men in the service of their people.

He is the elder son of Mr. Abdul Hameed Beg Jaff; born in Sulaimania in 1920 where he attended the elementary school, then moved to Baghdad to continue his schooling. He chose to return to Sulaimania and completed the secondary education from Kirkuk School. 

 He joined the College of Law in Baghdad, graduated in 1944 and started practicing law. He could have joined the government service at that time, but his ambitions to work freely and manage his father’s estates and land, made take this path making use of his early experiences in the trade of his father; he became a prominent business person in Iraq, and also being a highly respected person in all walks of life.

Due to his high capabilities and diligence in his field of work together with deep knowledge, he was chosen a member of the legal delegation of the medical conference in Cairo in 1944.

During the Monarchy period in the nineteen fifties he was appointed the Qaem’maqam of Sheqlawa, then after the Director General of the Iraqi Mills Establishment in Baghdad.  

He was martyred in 1985 in his house by the bombing of Baghdad during the Iraq- Iran war, and was buried in shrine of Sheikh Abdul Qader El Gelani in Baghdad.