Hello! I am a British Christian from mid Derbyshire currently living in West Yorkshire with my husband and young children, one of whom has developmental disability. I went to university at Aberystwyth, which was where I met my husband; he was in IT, I was doing BSc countryside management which I did not complete. I have a long term interest in developmental and learning disability, social emotional and behavioural difficulties and related fields, partly due to personal difficulties. I put these details so no-one thinks I am any sort of troll! I'd rather be guileless in good faith!

I have been brought up around Labour Party activism and, in a loose sense, lefty-liberal thinking in general. My state-schooling was unusually progressive but not uniformly so. I try to be open to all things and yet retain a sense of what is right, even if that is agnosticism on some fields others would see as crucially divisive.

I hope other editors accept me as a credibly neutral point of view in general and put a discussion my way if they mentally begin to. I have my general theory of taking good faith as a way of life and fudging any conflicts that throws up - for example, any conscientious views on homosexuality are okay to express and give voice to while excessive focus on the issue and violence in deed and word from either 'side' are not, in my opinion but I will still talk to you if you cross that line. And editing the Wikipedia takes special neutrality, if that is possible - probably not but... I hope you find no ammunition, beyond the fact of Christian faith stated, for all you NPOV sticklers. It is scary the size and development of Wikipedia and the controversy-laden behemoth with nooks, crannies and armpits, in the nature of the beast, that could suck you in where no-one can help you, potentially. Is this true? Wikipedia culture seems a bit overwhelming and not entirely attractive!

I am not a stickler on anything; I don't like high-mindedness. Often, however, anxiety drives me to take a position which is not as decisive as it may sound. I do think deeply and carefully if not consistently. I can have both clear views and storms of fuzzy logic!

I am interested in contributing to the ideal and usefulness of Wikipedia and try to add a bit of 'things as they should be' whichever version seems most appropriate, within Wikipedia policy. Well, albeit as an editor who is inexperienced and a bit sporadic - I can do basic Editor things and am not a totally green newbie, but fairly green. So - please don't eat me!


My userboxes
~~~~Kathybramley signs her posts and thinks you should too!
EW0This user has not experienced any edit wars and does not wish to be involved in any.
This user maintains a strict policy advising against all personal attacks.
This user strives to maintain a policy of neutrality on controversial issues.