Ouma Charles Agwenge also known as Agwenge was born on 15th of November 1994.He is son to the late Washington Argwengs Ogwari and Mama Juliana Anyango Argwengs. Agwenge is the only male child amongest the existing femanines. He started his education in Tulu primary school in the year 2000. Agwenge never attended a nursery class. In 2005,his uncle David Ogwari took him to Got Kachola Primari Where he did his KCPE in 2007.He joined Migori Boys Secondary school but later dropped out in form 2 only to finish his High school at Othora High school Academy in 2012. Agwenge joined University of Nairobi in 2014 (school of education and external studies) Agwenge loves football but can both sing and perform comedy. Being a firstborn,he leaves as a caring brother to his sisters Ann,Loice and Catherine. Agwenge is a politics lover and at times talks politics.

  1. Charles Agwenge is on facebook check him out for more of his details.