[ 3]
Name on the Register[ 4]
Date listed[ 5]
City or town
Ashley Hall Plantation
Ashley Hall Plantation
June 5, 1975 (#75001691 )
Address restricted[ 6]
West Ashley
Ashley River Historic District
Ashley River Historic District
September 12, 1994 (#93001514 )
Roughly along the Ashley River from just east of South Carolina Highway 165 , near Watson Hill (North Charleston), to the Seaboard Coast Line Railroad bridge 32°53′58″N 80°07′00″W / 32.8994°N 80.1167°W / 32.8994; -80.1167 (Ashley River Historic District )
North Charleston
Extends into Charleston and Dorchester County
Ashley River Road
Ashley River Road
November 21, 1983 (#83003831 )
South Carolina Highway 61 between Church Creek and South Carolina Highway 165 32°53′43″N 80°08′08″W / 32.8953°N 80.1356°W / 32.8953; -80.1356 (Ashley River Road )
Extends into Charleston and Dorchester County
Atlanticville Historic District
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September 6, 2007 (#07000927 )
Middle St., Jasper Boulevard, and Myrtle Ave. between Stations 22½ and 26 32°45′55″N 79°49′57″W / 32.7653°N 79.8325°W / 32.7653; -79.8325 (Atlanticville Historic District )
Sullivan's Island
Auld Mound
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October 15, 1970 (#70000583 )
Address Restricted
Mount Pleasant
Alexander Bache U.S. Coast Survey Line
Alexander Bache U.S. Coast Survey Line
October 5, 2007 (#07001082 )
8377 State Cabin Rd. 32°30′20″N 80°18′37″W / 32.5056°N 80.3103°W / 32.5056; -80.3103 (Alexander Bache U.S. Coast Survey Line )
Edisto Island
Bailey's Store
Bailey's Store
November 28, 1986 (#86003204 )
1444 South Carolina Highway 174 32°33′36″N 80°16′47″W / 32.56009°N 80.27961°W / 32.56009; -80.27961 (Bailey's Store )
Edisto Island
Now occupied by With These Hands Gallery.[ 7]
Barnwell House
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November 25, 1980 (#80003657 )
South of Charleston 32°41′54″N 80°24′22″W / 32.6983°N 80.4061°W / 32.6983; -80.4061 (Barnwell House )
Adams Run
Bass Pond Site
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April 24, 1979 (#79002379 )
Address Restricted
Kiawah Island
Battery Gadsden
Battery Gadsden
June 25, 1974 (#74001842 )
2017 Ion Ave. 32°45′36″N 79°50′23″W / 32.76°N 79.8397°W / 32.76; -79.8397 (Battery Gadsden )
Sullivan's Island
Now houses the Edgar Allan Poe Branch of the Charleston County Library
Battery Thomson
Battery Thomson
June 25, 1974 (#74001843 )
2013 Ion Ave. 32°45′33″N 79°50′28″W / 32.7592°N 79.8411°W / 32.7592; -79.8411 (Battery Thomson )
Sullivan's Island
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church
Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church
June 22, 2004 (#04000651 )
369 Drayton St. 33°05′21″N 79°27′26″W / 33.0893°N 79.4571°W / 33.0893; -79.4571 (Bethel African Methodist Episcopal Church )
Bleak Hall Plantation Outbuildings
Bleak Hall Plantation Outbuildings
March 7, 1973 (#73001698 )
4 miles southeast of Edisto Island off South Carolina Highway 174 32°33′10″N 80°14′05″W / 32.5528°N 80.2347°W / 32.5528; -80.2347 (Bleak Hall Plantation Outbuildings )
Edisto Island
Brick House Ruin
Brick House Ruin
April 15, 1970 (#70000580 )
South of Edisto Island 32°36′05″N 80°19′32″W / 32.6014°N 80.3256°W / 32.6014; -80.3256 (Brick House Ruin )
Edisto Island
Brooklands Plantation
Brooklands Plantation
May 5, 1987 (#86003198 )
Off Laurel Hill Rd. on Scanawah Island 32°34′19″N 80°21′19″W / 32.5719°N 80.3553°W / 32.5719; -80.3553 (Brooklands Plantation )
Edisto Island
Buzzard's Island Site
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October 15, 1970 (#70000584 )
Address Restricted
Mount Pleasant
Cape Romain Lighthouses
Cape Romain Lighthouses
November 12, 1981 (#81000563 )
Southeast of McClellanville on Lighthouse Island 33°01′06″N 79°22′27″W / 33.0183°N 79.3742°W / 33.0183; -79.3742 (Cape Romain Lighthouses )
Cassina Point
Cassina Point
November 28, 1986 (#86003210 )
1642 Clark Road, Edisto, South Carolina 32°35′29″N 80°15′03″W / 32.5914°N 80.2508°W / 32.5914; -80.2508 (Cassina Point )
Edisto Island
Charleston Naval Hospital
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January 25, 2021 (#100006050 )
3600 Rivers Ave. 32°51′27″N 79°58′46″W / 32.8576°N 79.9794°W / 32.8576; -79.9794 (Charleston Naval Hospital )
North Charleston
Charleston Naval Hospital Historic District
Charleston Naval Hospital Historic District
October 22, 2010 (#10000851 )
Former Charleston Navy Base including parts of Turnbull Avenue, Hobby Street, Avenues F-I, Truxton Avenue, and Marine Avenue[ 8] 32°51′51″N 79°58′02″W / 32.8642°N 79.9672°W / 32.8642; -79.9672 (Charleston Naval Hospital Historic District )
North Charleston
Charleston Navy Yard Historic District
Charleston Navy Yard Historic District
August 9, 2006 (#06000699 )
Roughly bounded by 1st St., Hobson Ave., Ave. D, 4th and 5th Sts., and the drydocks between 1st and 13th Sts. 32°51′43″N 79°57′46″W / 32.8619°N 79.9628°W / 32.8619; -79.9628 (Charleston Navy Yard Historic District )
North Charleston
Charleston Navy Yard Officers' Quarters Historic District
Charleston Navy Yard Officers' Quarters Historic District
March 2, 2007 (#07000100 )
Turnbull Ave., Everglades Dr., Navy Way, and portions of Hobson Ave. and Blackstop Dr. 32°52′08″N 79°58′09″W / 32.8689°N 79.9692°W / 32.8689; -79.9692 (Charleston Navy Yard Officers' Quarters Historic District )
North Charleston
Christ Church
Christ Church
November 27, 1972 (#72001201 )
2304 Highway 17N[ 9] 32°50′38″N 79°48′50″W / 32.8439°N 79.8139°W / 32.8439; -79.8139 (Christ Church )
Mount Pleasant
Cook's Old Field Cemetery
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May 9, 2003 (#01000679 )
0.5 miles north of Rifle Range Rd. 32°50′20″N 79°48′13″W / 32.8389°N 79.8036°W / 32.8389; -79.8036 (Cook's Old Field Cemetery )
Mount Pleasant
Crawford's Plantation House
Crawford's Plantation House
June 8, 1993 (#93000475 )
8202 Oyster Factory Rd. 32°32′15″N 80°18′16″W / 32.5375°N 80.3044°W / 32.5375; -80.3044 (Crawford's Plantation House )
Edisto Island
Edisto Island Baptist Church
Edisto Island Baptist Church
April 1, 1982 (#82003839 )
1644 South Carolina Highway 174[ 10] 32°34′22″N 80°17′03″W / 32.5728°N 80.2842°W / 32.5728; -80.2842 (Edisto Island Baptist Church )
Edisto Island
Edisto Island Presbyterian Church
Edisto Island Presbyterian Church
June 24, 1971 (#71000754 )
1.9 miles north of Edisto Island on South Carolina Highway 174 32°34′44″N 80°17′49″W / 32.5789°N 80.2969°W / 32.5789; -80.2969 (Edisto Island Presbyterian Church )
Edisto Island
Engineering-Management Building
Engineering-Management Building
September 4, 2020 (#100005002 )
2260 Noisette Blvd. 32°51′55″N 79°58′16″W / 32.8654°N 79.9711°W / 32.8654; -79.9711 (Engineering-Management Building )
North Charleston
Fairfield Plantation
Fairfield Plantation
July 25, 1974 (#74001838 )
North of McClellanville 33°10′58″N 79°24′18″W / 33.1828°N 79.405°W / 33.1828; -79.405 (Fairfield Plantation )
Fig Island Site
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October 15, 1970 (#70000585 )
Address Restricted
Edisto Island
Folly North Site-38CH1213
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October 2, 2003 (#03001001 )
Address Restricted
Folly Beach
Fort Johnson/Powder Magazine
Fort Johnson/Powder Magazine
September 14, 1972 (#72001197 )
East end of Ft. Johnson Road, in South Carolina Department of Natural Resources compound 32°45′08″N 79°53′55″W / 32.7522°N 79.8986°W / 32.7522; -79.8986 (Fort Johnson/Powder Magazine )
James Island
Fort Moultrie Quartermaster and Support Facilities Historic District
Fort Moultrie Quartermaster and Support Facilities Historic District
September 6, 2007 (#07000925 )
Middle St. and Thompson Ave., between Stations 14 and 16.5 32°45′35″N 79°51′11″W / 32.7597°N 79.8531°W / 32.7597; -79.8531 (Fort Moultrie Quartermaster and Support Facilities Historic District )
Sullivan's Island
Fort Palmetto
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August 11, 1982 (#82003842 )
Christ Church Parish 32°49′23″N 79°45′56″W / 32.8231°N 79.7656°W / 32.8231; -79.7656 (Fort Palmetto )
Hamlin Sound
Fort Pemberton Site
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November 21, 1978 (#78002498 )
Shoreline of the Stono River on the northwestern corner of James Island [ 11] 32°45′35″N 80°00′03″W / 32.7597°N 80.0008°W / 32.7597; -80.0008 (Fort Pemberton Site )
James Island
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May 5, 1987 (#86003203 )
South of Pine Landing Rd. near the intersection of South Carolina Highway 174 and Laurel Hill Rd. 32°35′16″N 80°21′21″W / 32.5878°N 80.3558°W / 32.5878; -80.3558 (Frogmore )
Edisto Island
General Asbestos and Rubber Company (GARCO) Main Mill
General Asbestos and Rubber Company (GARCO) Main Mill
February 28, 2017 (#100000687 )
0 O'Hear Ave. 32°53′01″N 79°58′30″W / 32.8835°N 79.9749°W / 32.8835; -79.9749 (General Asbestos and Rubber Company (GARCO) Main Mill )
North Charleston
Paul Grimball House Ruins
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November 28, 1986 (#86003190 )
Address Restricted
Edisto Island
Grove Plantation
Grove Plantation
August 25, 1978 (#78002495 )
Southwest of Adams Run off South Carolina Highway 174 32°39′54″N 80°23′37″W / 32.665°N 80.3936°W / 32.665; -80.3936 (Grove Plantation )
Adams Run
H. L. Hunley (submarine)
H. L. Hunley (submarine)
December 29, 1978 (#78003412 )
Located on the old Naval base in North Charleston 32°44′00″N 79°46′00″W / 32.7333°N 79.7667°W / 32.7333; -79.7667 (H. L. Hunley (submarine) )
North Charleston
Hampton Plantation
Hampton Plantation
April 15, 1970 (#70000582 )
1950 Rutledge Rd. 33°12′01″N 79°26′09″W / 33.2003°N 79.4358°W / 33.2003; -79.4358 (Hampton Plantation )
Hanckel Mound
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October 15, 1970 (#70000586 )
Address Restricted
Harrietta Plantation
Harrietta Plantation
September 18, 1975 (#75001695 )
5 miles east of McClellanville off U.S. Route 17 33°10′10″N 79°23′37″W / 33.1694°N 79.3936°W / 33.1694; -79.3936 (Harrietta Plantation )
Horse Island
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November 10, 1970 (#70000587 )
Address Restricted
Host of America Motel
Host of America Motel
September 25, 2020 (#100005609 )
3245 Rivers Ave. 32°51′12″N 79°58′21″W / 32.8534°N 79.9726°W / 32.8534; -79.9726 (Host of America Motel )
North Charleston
Hutchinson House
Hutchinson House
May 5, 1987 (#86003218 )
7666 Point of Pines Rd. 32°34′12″N 80°15′26″W / 32.5700°N 80.2571°W / 32.5700; -80.2571 (Hutchinson House )
Edisto Island
John's Island Presbyterian Church
John's Island Presbyterian Church
November 3, 1975 (#75001692 )
10 miles west of Charleston on South Carolina Highway 20 32°41′12″N 80°04′56″W / 32.6867°N 80.0822°W / 32.6867; -80.0822 (John's Island Presbyterian Church )
Johns Island
King Cemetery
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June 13, 2000 (#00000586 )
1.1 miles northeast of the junction of U.S. Route 17 and S-19-38 32°46′10″N 80°22′51″W / 32.7694°N 80.3808°W / 32.7694; -80.3808 (King Cemetery )
Adams Run
Lawton-Seabrook Cemetery
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June 12, 2017 (#100001075 )
7938 Steamboat Landing Rd. 32°35′24″N 80°17′42″W / 32.5899°N 80.2949°W / 32.5899; -80.2949 (Lawton-Seabrook Cemetery )
Edisto Island
Lighthouse Point Shell Ring (38CH12)
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October 14, 1990 (#90001505 )
Address Restricted
James Island
Long Point Plantation (38CH321)
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March 20, 1986 (#86000468 )
Address Restricted
Mount Pleasant
Lucas Family Cemetery
Lucas Family Cemetery
May 18, 1998 (#98000425 )
Ellen Dr. 32°47′45″N 79°52′18″W / 32.7958°N 79.8717°W / 32.7958; -79.8717 (Lucas Family Cemetery )
Mount Pleasant
Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
Magnolia Plantation and Gardens
December 11, 1972 (#72001198 )
10 miles northwest of Charleston on South Carolina Highway 61 32°52′29″N 80°05′21″W / 32.8747°N 80.0892°W / 32.8747; -80.0892 (Magnolia Plantation and Gardens )
West Ashley
Marine Barracks, Charleston Navy Yard
Marine Barracks, Charleston Navy Yard
October 16, 2020 (#100005676 )
Truxtun Ave. between Marine and Goldberg Aves. 32°51′48″N 79°58′26″W / 32.8633°N 79.9739°W / 32.8633; -79.9739 (Marine Barracks, Charleston Navy Yard )
North Charleston
Marshlands Plantation House
Marshlands Plantation House
March 30, 1973 (#73001700 )
Northern side of Fort Sumter Dr. 32°45′01″N 79°54′03″W / 32.7503°N 79.9008°W / 32.7503; -79.9008 (Marshlands Plantation House )
James Island
The house was moved from its original location at the old Naval Base in North Charleston for preservation.
McClellanville Historic District
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March 23, 1982 (#82003845 )
Pinckney, Lofton, Charlotte, Church, Water, Oak, Venning, Legare, Morrison, and Scotia Sts. 33°05′06″N 79°27′43″W / 33.085°N 79.4619°W / 33.085; -79.4619 (McClellanville Historic District )
W. Gresham Meggett High and Elementary School
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February 20, 2018 (#100002098 )
1929 Grimball Rd. 32°42′25″N 79°58′34″W / 32.7069°N 79.9762°W / 32.7069; -79.9762 (W. Gresham Meggett High and Elementary School )
Charleston vicinity
Middleton's Plantation
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May 6, 1971 (#71000755 )
3.5 miles north of Edisto Island off South Carolina Highway 174 32°33′25″N 80°19′48″W / 32.5569°N 80.33°W / 32.5569; -80.33 (Middleton's Plantation )
Edisto Island
Not to be confused with Middleton Place in nearby Dorchester County
Morris Island Lighthouse
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June 28, 1982 (#82003837 )
6 mi. SE of Charleston 32°42′06″N 79°53′59″W / 32.7017°N 79.8997°W / 32.7017; -79.8997 (Morris Island Lighthouse )
Folly Beach
Mosquito Beach Historic District
Mosquito Beach Historic District
September 23, 2019 (#100004409 )
Mosquito Beach Rd. 32°40′22″N 79°58′57″W / 32.6728°N 79.9824°W / 32.6728; -79.9824 (Mosquito Beach Historic District )
James Island vicinity
Moultrieville Historic District
Moultrieville Historic District
September 6, 2007 (#07000928 )
Middle St. and Osceola Ave., between stations 11 and 12 32°45′39″N 79°51′33″W / 32.7608°N 79.8592°W / 32.7608; -79.8592 (Moultrieville Historic District )
Sullivan's Island
Includes several late-19th and early-20th century beach houses and Stella Maris Church designed by John Henry Devereux
Mount Pleasant Historic District
Mount Pleasant Historic District
March 30, 1973 (#73001701 )
Bounded by Charleston Harbor, Shem Creek, Royall Ave., and McCants Dr. 32°47′10″N 79°52′33″W / 32.7861°N 79.8758°W / 32.7861; -79.8758 (Mount Pleasant Historic District )
Mount Pleasant
Moving Star Hall
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June 17, 1982 (#82003843 )
River Rd. 32°40′55″N 80°01′33″W / 32.6819°N 80.0258°W / 32.6819; -80.0258 (Moving Star Hall )
Johns Island
Oak Island
Oak Island
November 28, 1986 (#86003202 )
1 mile off Oak Island Rd. on Westbank Creek 32°35′39″N 80°15′05″W / 32.5942°N 80.2514°W / 32.5942; -80.2514 (Oak Island )
Edisto Island
Oakland Plantation House
Oakland Plantation House
July 13, 1977 (#77001218 )
7 miles north of Charleston Harbor on U.S. Route 17 32°51′59″N 79°45′18″W / 32.8664°N 79.755°W / 32.8664; -79.755 (Oakland Plantation House )
Mount Pleasant
Old Courthouse
Old Courthouse
May 6, 1971 (#71000760 )
331 King St. 32°47′06″N 79°51′50″W / 32.7850°N 79.8639°W / 32.7850; -79.8639 (Old Courthouse )
Mount Pleasant
Old Georgetown Road
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June 27, 2014 (#14000382 )
Old Georgetown Road between south bank of the South Santee River and SC 45 33°09′15″N 79°28′46″W / 33.1541°N 79.4795°W / 33.1541; -79.4795 (Old Georgetown Road )
Old House Plantation
Old House Plantation
May 14, 1971 (#71000756 )
Northeast of Edisto Island via South Carolina Highway 174 ; also 0.5 miles east of the junction of South Carolina Highway 174 and Oak Island Rd., then right on a dirt road 32°34′49″N 80°15′37″W / 32.5803°N 80.2603°W / 32.5803; -80.2603 (Old House Plantation )
Edisto Island
Second address represents a boundary increase of May 5, 1987
Dr. John B. Patrick House
Dr. John B. Patrick House
February 9, 1995 (#94001628 )
1820 Middle St. 32°45′35″N 79°50′36″W / 32.7597°N 79.8433°W / 32.7597; -79.8433 (Dr. John B. Patrick House )
Sullivan's Island
Peter's Point Plantation
Peter's Point Plantation
June 19, 1973 (#73001699 )
9084 Peter's Point Road, Edisto, South Carolina 32°32′19″N 80°20′22″W / 32.5386°N 80.3394°W / 32.5386; -80.3394 (Peter's Point Plantation )
Edisto Island
Presbyterian Manse
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May 14, 1971 (#71000757 )
Northwest of Edisto Island off South Carolina Highway 174 32°34′04″N 80°18′34″W / 32.5678°N 80.3094°W / 32.5678; -80.3094 (Presbyterian Manse )
Edisto Island
Paul Pritchard Shipyard
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September 17, 1974 (#74001839 )
Address Restricted
Mount Pleasant
The Progressive Club
The Progressive Club
October 24, 2007 (#07001109 )
3377 River Rd. 32°40′37″N 80°02′26″W / 32.6769°N 80.0406°W / 32.6769; -80.0406 (The Progressive Club )
Johns Island
Prospect Hill
Prospect Hill
November 28, 1986 (#86003196 )
Off Laurel Hill Rd. 32°34′54″N 80°23′04″W / 32.5817°N 80.3844°W / 32.5817; -80.3844 (Prospect Hill )
Edisto Island
Remley Point Cemetery
Remley Point Cemetery
May 30, 2002 (#02000570 )
0.2 miles northeast of the junction of 3rd and 4th Aves. 32°48′51″N 79°53′53″W / 32.8142°N 79.8981°W / 32.8142; -79.8981 (Remley Point Cemetery )
Mount Pleasant
Rockville Historic District
Rockville Historic District
June 13, 1972 (#72001202 )
Town of Rockville on the northern bank of Bohicket Creek 32°36′18″N 80°11′35″W / 32.605°N 80.1931°W / 32.605; -80.1931 (Rockville Historic District )
St. James Episcopal Church, Santee
St. James Episcopal Church, Santee
April 15, 1970 (#70000581 )
17 miles south of Georgetown on the Santee River 33°10′19″N 79°27′56″W / 33.1719°N 79.4656°W / 33.1719; -79.4656 (St. James Episcopal Church, Santee )
John Seabrook Plantation Bridge
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October 9, 1974 (#74001841 )
Northwest of Rockville off South Carolina Highway 700 32°37′38″N 80°12′37″W / 32.6272°N 80.2103°W / 32.6272; -80.2103 (John Seabrook Plantation Bridge )
William Seabrook House
William Seabrook House
May 6, 1971 (#71000758 )
North of Edisto Island off South Carolina Highway 174 32°36′06″N 80°16′53″W / 32.6017°N 80.2814°W / 32.6017; -80.2814 (William Seabrook House )
Edisto Island
Seashore Farmers' Lodge No. 767
Seashore Farmers' Lodge No. 767
October 3, 2007 (#07001043 )
Northeastern corner of the junction of Sol Legare and Old Sol Legare Rds. 32°40′54″N 79°58′02″W / 32.6817°N 79.9672°W / 32.6817; -79.9672 (Seashore Farmers' Lodge No. 767 )
James Island
Seaside Plantation House
Seaside Plantation House
January 21, 1982 (#82003840 )
Off South Carolina Highway 174 32°31′14″N 80°17′23″W / 32.5206°N 80.2897°W / 32.5206; -80.2897 (Seaside Plantation House )
Edisto Island
Seaside School
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June 17, 1994 (#94000602 )
1097 South Carolina Highway 174 32°32′51″N 80°16′54″W / 32.5475°N 80.2817°W / 32.5475; -80.2817 (Seaside School )
Edisto Island
Secessionville Historic District
Secessionville Historic District
October 1, 1979 (#79002378 )
North of Folly Beach 32°42′18″N 79°56′35″W / 32.705°N 79.9431°W / 32.705; -79.9431 (Secessionville Historic District )
Folly Beach
Extends into Charleston
Sewee Mound
Sewee Mound
October 15, 1970 (#70000571 )
Salt Pond Road (FS Road 243)[ 12] 32°59′48″N 79°36′37″W / 32.9967°N 79.6103°W / 32.9967; -79.6103 (Sewee Mound )
Slave Street, Smokehouse, and Allee, Boone Hall Plantation
Slave Street, Smokehouse, and Allee, Boone Hall Plantation
July 14, 1983 (#93001512 )
North of Mt. Pleasant off U.S. Route 17 ; also Long Point Rd. west of its junction with U.S. Routes 17 /701 32°51′29″N 79°49′23″W / 32.8581°N 79.8231°W / 32.8581; -79.8231 (Slave Street, Smokehouse, and Allee, Boone Hall Plantation )
Mount Pleasant
Second location represents a boundary increase of January 21, 1994 , the Boone Hall Plantation House and Historic Landscape
Snee Farm-Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
Snee Farm-Charles Pinckney National Historic Site
April 13, 1973 (#73001702 )
6 miles west of Mt. Pleasant at 1254 Long Point Rd. 32°50′46″N 79°49′29″W / 32.8461°N 79.8247°W / 32.8461; -79.8247 (Snee Farm-Charles Pinckney National Historic Site )
Mount Pleasant
Boundary increase approved October 10, 2021.
Stono River Slave Rebellion Site
Stono River Slave Rebellion Site
May 30, 1974 (#74001840 )
Off U.S. Route 17 on the western bank of the Wallace River 32°47′14″N 80°08′44″W / 32.7872°N 80.1456°W / 32.7872; -80.1456 (Stono River Slave Rebellion Site )
Sullivan's Island Historic District
Sullivan's Island Historic District
September 6, 2007 (#07000929 )
Middle St., I'on Ave., and Central Ave. between Stations 17 and 18½ 32°45′33″N 79°50′45″W / 32.7592°N 79.8458°W / 32.7592; -79.8458 (Sullivan's Island Historic District )
Sullivan's Island
Summit Plantation House
Summit Plantation House
July 28, 1983 (#83002188 )
Off County Road 390 32°41′37″N 80°17′10″W / 32.6936°N 80.2861°W / 32.6936; -80.2861 (Summit Plantation House )
Adams Run
November 28, 1986 (#86003216 )
Off the northern side of Peter's Point Rd.; also north of the junction of Peters Point and Creekwood Rd. 32°33′57″N 80°17′50″W / 32.5658°N 80.2972°W / 32.5658; -80.2972 (Sunnyside )
Edisto Island
A plantation on Edisto Island. Second location represents a boundary increase, the Sunnyside Plantation Foreman's House
Towles Farmstead
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January 21, 1994 (#93001513 )
4595 and 4611 Towles Rd. 32°43′14″N 80°11′06″W / 32.7206°N 80.185°W / 32.7206; -80.185 (Towles Farmstead )
Hephzibah Jenkins Townsend's Tabby Oven Ruins
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May 5, 1987 (#86003200 )
Address Restricted
Edisto Island
Trinity Church
Trinity Church
May 14, 1971 (#71000759 )
1589 South Carolina Highway 174 [ 13] 32°34′10″N 80°17′01″W / 32.5694°N 80.2836°W / 32.5694; -80.2836 (Trinity Church )
Edisto Island
U.S. Coast Guard Historic District
U.S. Coast Guard Historic District
June 19, 1973 (#73001703 )
Ion Ave. between Station 18 and Station 18½ 32°45′27″N 79°50′33″W / 32.7575°N 79.8425°W / 32.7575; -79.8425 (U.S. Coast Guard Historic District )
Sullivan's Island
Unnamed Battery No. 1
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August 11, 1982 (#82003838 )
Clark's Point 32°43′15″N 79°56′07″W / 32.7208°N 79.9353°W / 32.7208; -79.9353 (Unnamed Battery No. 1 )
James Island
June 29, 1989 (#89001229 )
Patriot's Point 32°47′23″N 79°54′28″W / 32.7897°N 79.9078°W / 32.7897; -79.9078 (USS CLAMAGORE (SS-343) )
Mount Pleasant
Scrapped in 2022; landmark designation withdrawn in 2024.
April 12, 1983 (#83002189 )
West of Mt. Pleasant on the eastern side of Charleston Harbor 32°47′23″N 79°54′28″W / 32.7897°N 79.9078°W / 32.7897; -79.9078 (USS LAFFEY )
Mount Pleasant
November 10, 1982 (#82001519 )
West of Mt. Pleasant on the eastern side of Charleston Harbor 32°47′26″N 79°54′31″W / 32.7906°N 79.9086°W / 32.7906; -79.9086 (USS YORKTOWN (CV-10) )
Mount Pleasant
Arnoldus Vander Horst House
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October 25, 1973 (#73001697 )
25 miles southwest of Charleston on Kiawah Island 32°37′00″N 80°04′24″W / 32.6167°N 80.0733°W / 32.6167; -80.0733 (Arnoldus Vander Horst House )
Kiawah Island
The Wedge
The Wedge
November 25, 1980 (#80003660 )
Northeast of McClellanville 33°10′17″N 79°23′57″W / 33.1714°N 79.3992°W / 33.1714; -79.3992 (The Wedge )
Wescott Road
Wescott Road
November 28, 1986 (#86003195 )
West of South Carolina Highway 174 32°33′44″N 80°16′53″W / 32.5622°N 80.2814°W / 32.5622; -80.2814 (Wescott Road )
Edisto Island
Wilkinson-Boineau House
Wilkinson-Boineau House
January 21, 1999 (#98001644 )
5185 South Carolina Highway 174 32°43′10″N 80°20′56″W / 32.7195°N 80.3490°W / 32.7195; -80.3490 (Wilkinson-Boineau House )
Adams Run
Willtown Bluff
Willtown Bluff
January 8, 1974 (#74001830 )
Southwest of Adams Run at the end of County Road 55 on the banks of the S. Edisto River 32°40′54″N 80°24′54″W / 32.6817°N 80.415°W / 32.6817; -80.415 (Willtown Bluff )
Adams Run
Windsor Plantation
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July 23, 1974 (#74001837 )
East of South Carolina Highway 174 near Little Edisto 32°35′58″N 80°20′41″W / 32.5994°N 80.3447°W / 32.5994; -80.3447 (Windsor Plantation )
Edisto Island