medical test is a medical procedure performed to detect, diagnose, or monitor diseases, disease processes, susceptibility, or to determine a course of treatment. The tests are classified by speciality field allowing to know in which ward of hospital or by which specialist doctor are usually these tests performed. This list is not exhaustive but might be useful as a guide.

Where available, ICD-10 codes are listed.[1]

Consulting Room Tests edit

These tests are usually performed in a consulting room by any doctor and require no advanced equipment.

Cardiovascular edit

Dermatology edit

Ear, Nose and Throat edit

Gastrointestinal edit

Hematology edit

Laboratory edit

Neurological edit

Obstetric / Gynaecological edit

Ocular edit

Pulmonary edit

Radiology edit

Rheumatologic edit

Urologic edit

References edit

  1. ^ Richmond, Donna. "Building an ICD-10-PCS Foundation for Radiology Procedures". Retrieved 27 December 2018.