For mathematical analysis and statistics, Leave-one-out error can refer to the following:

  • Leave-one-out cross-validation Stability (CVloo, for stability of Cross Validation with leave one out): An algorithm f has CVloo stability β with respect to the loss function V if the following holds:
Illustration of leave-one-out cross-validation (LOOCV) when n = 8 observations. A total of 8 models will be trained and tested.

  • Expected-to-leave-one-out error Stability (, for Expected error from leaving one out): An algorithm f has stability if for each n there exists a and a such that:

, with and going to zero for

Preliminary notations edit

With X and Y being a subset of the real numbers R, or X and Y ⊂ R, being respectively an input space X and an output space Y, we consider a training set:

  of size m in   drawn independently and identically distributed (i.i.d.) from an unknown distribution, here called "D". Then a learning algorithm is a function   from   into   which maps a learning set S onto a function   from the input space X to the output space Y. To avoid complex notation, we consider only deterministic algorithms. It is also assumed that the algorithm   is symmetric with respect to S, i.e. it does not depend on the order of the elements in the training set. Furthermore, we assume that all functions are measurable and all sets are countable which does not limit the interest of the results presented here.

The loss of an hypothesis f with respect to an example   is then defined as  . The empirical error of f can then be written as  .

The true error of f is  

Given a training set S of size m, we will build, for all i = 1....,m, modified training sets as follows:

  • By removing the i-th element



See also edit

References edit

  • S. Mukherjee, P. Niyogi, T. Poggio, and R. M. Rifkin. Learning theory: stability is sufficient for generalization and necessary and sufficient for consistency of empirical risk minimization. Adv. Comput. Math., 25(1-3):161–193, 2006