Benoît (French: [bənwa]) is a French male given name. It is less frequently spelled Benoist. The name comes from the Latin word benedictus, which means "blessed", equivalent in meaning to Bénédicte or the English name Benedict. A female derivative of the name is Benoîte.

PronunciationFrench: [bənwa]
Language(s)Old French
Region of originFrance
Other names
Alternative spellingBenoist, Benoit
Related namesBenoîte, Bénédicte
PronunciationFrench: [bənwa]
Language(s)Old French
Region of originFrance
Other names
Variant form(s)Bennett, Bennet, Benedict

The personal name Benoît is to be distinguished from Benoit as a family name, which is usually spelled without the circumflex accent. Early form of the name was spelled with an "s" (Benoist), but as with many words in the French language, the "s" was eventually replaced with a circumflex accent over the "i".

Benoît in other languages edit

Benoist as a given name edit

Benoît as a given name edit

Benoist as a family name edit

Benoit as a family name edit