Wikipedia:Offline reports/This article links to a redirect back to itself

Overview edit

The list below shows pages containing links to redirects back to themself. It was generated on August 16, 2004 from the August 14, 2004 database dump.

Preamble edit

Redirect pages are used to automatically 'hop' to their target when linked to. If a page links to a redirect that hops back to itself, the link essentially goes nowhere. This is confusing, particularly to new users. Such systems may have been set up to keep similar sounding subjects separate: a redirect can be converted into an article and all references will remain accurate. (These should be listed on Wikipedia:Redirects with possibilities.) Some such links, however, serve no such purpose and should be removed.

Regenerating this report edit

This report is generated from a Link Analysis Database using the SQL:

select concat( '*[[', a1.art_title, ']] → [[', a2.art_title, ']]' )
from art a1, art a2, good_links g1, good_links g2
where a1.art_is_redirect = 0
and a2.art_is_redirect = 1
and a1.art_id = g1.from_id
and a2.art_id = g2.from_id 
and g1.to_id = g2.from_id
and g2.to_id = g1.from_id
and a2.art_id <> a1.art_id;

Query stats for August 16, 2004:

2415 rows in set (2 min 59.40 sec)

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