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//This file is released under GFDL.

  //check if called from deletion request
  if (wgAction == "delete")
    if (document.URL.lastIndexOf("&fakeaction=expiredprod") == -1)
// grab reason
   var reason = getURLParam("prodreason");
      var t = document.getElementById('wpReason');
      t.value = reason;

if (document.getElementById("raw-delete-reason"))
  addPortletLink("p-cactions", "javascript:prodTab()", "Delete prod", "prod0", "prod an expired article", "");
function prodTab()
  var reason = document.getElementById("raw-delete-reason").innerHTML;
  var title = wgPageName.replace("&", "%26").replace("+", "%2B").replace("?", "%3F").replace("=", "%3D");
  location.assign("/w/index.php?title=" + title+ "&action=delete&fakeaction=expiredprod&prodreason="+escape(reason));

function getURLParam(strParamName){
  var strReturn = "";
  var strHref = window.location.href;
  if ( strHref.indexOf("?") > -1 ){
    var strQueryString = strHref.substr(strHref.indexOf("?"));
    var aQueryString = strQueryString.split("&");
    for ( var iParam = 0; iParam < aQueryString.length; iParam++ ){
      if (
aQueryString[iParam].indexOf(strParamName + "=") > -1 ){
        var aParam = aQueryString[iParam].split("=");
        strReturn = aParam[1];
  return unescape(strReturn);

//End db script