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Contact: ClioCJS@gmail.com
Pictures: https://www.flickr.com/photos_user.gne?path=&nsid=31355686%40N00&page=&details=1
Blog: http://clintjcl.wordpress.com/
Music Habits: http://www.last.fm/user/ClintJCL/
Bookmarks: http://diigo.com/ClioCJS
Videos: http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos.php?user=ClioCJS
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cleo.jane.sawyer

"People who talk about revolution and class struggle
without referring explicitly to everyday life,
without understanding what is subversive about love
and what is positive in the refusal of constraints,
such people have a corpse in their mouth."
-Raoul Vaneigem, "The Revolution Of Everyday Life"

Clio's computer history edit

Vertical black dividers represent major life events: online, HS grad, college grad, house, house 2.0 (addition done)

Carolyn's computer history edit

Vertical black dividers represent major life events: online, HS grad, college grad, house, house 2.0 (addition done)

Our kitty history edit

Vertical black dividers represent major life events: Clio's college grad, Carolyn's college grad, house, house 2.0 (addition done)