Outline of classical studies

(Redirected from Outline of the classics)

The following outline is provided as an overview of and topical guide to classical studies:

Classical studies (Classics for short) – earliest branch of the humanities, which covers the languages, literature, history, art, and other cultural aspects of the ancient Mediterranean world. The field focuses primarily on, but is not limited to, Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome during classical antiquity, the era spanning from the late Bronze Age of Ancient Greece during the Minoan and Mycenaean periods (c. 1600–1100 BC) through the period known as Late Antiquity to the fall of the Western Roman Empire, c. 500 AD. The word classics is also used to refer to the literature of the period.

Branches of classical studies edit

Subdisciplines of classical studies edit

History of classical studies edit

History of the western classics (Not to be confused with classical history (see below))

General classical studies concepts edit

Classical archaeology edit

Classical archaeology

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World edit

Seven Wonders of the Ancient World The Greek category was not "Wonders" but "theamata", which translates closer to "must-sees". The list that we know today was compiled in the Middle Ages—by which time many of the sites were no longer in existence:

  1. Great Pyramid of Giza (the only wonder of the Ancient World still in existence)
  2. Hanging Gardens of Babylon
  3. Statue of Zeus at Olympia
  4. Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
  5. Mausoleum of Maussollos at Halicarnassus
  6. Colossus of Rhodes
  7. Lighthouse of Alexandria

Classical art edit

See also Ancient art

Art in Ancient Greece edit

Art in Ancient Greece

Roman art edit

Roman art

Classical architecture edit

Classical architecture

Ancient Greek architecture edit

Architecture of Ancient Greece

Roman architecture edit

Roman architecture

Geography of the classical period edit

Geography at the time of Ancient Greece edit

Geography at the time of Ancient Rome edit

Roman provinces 120 AD edit

Classical history edit

Classical history

Classical Greek history edit

Ancient Greek society edit

Ancient Greek society

Classical Roman history edit

Roman era

Military history of Ancient Rome edit

Military history of ancient Rome

Roman society edit

Roman society

Classical Egyptian history edit

See also the List of ancient Egyptian dynasties

Classical philology edit


Classical language edit

Classical language

Ancient Greek edit

Ancient Greek

Classical Latin edit

Classical Latin

Classical literature edit

Classical Greek literature edit

Ancient Greek literature

Poets edit
Playwrights edit
Prose writers edit

Classical Latin literature edit

Latin literature

Poets edit
Playwrights edit
Prose writers edit


Classical Textual Criticism edit

Textual criticism

  • Greek textual criticism
  • Latin textual criticism

Classical philosophy edit

Periods of classical philosophy edit

Schools of thought edit

Classical philosophers edit

Classical religion and mythology edit

Religion and mythology in Ancient Greece edit

Religion and mythology in Ancient Rome edit

Classical science and technology edit

History of science in Classical Antiquity

Ancient Greek science and technology edit

Ancient Greek technology

Roman science and technology edit

Roman technology

Classical theatre edit

Ancient Greek theatre edit

Theatre of Ancient Greece

Ancient Roman theatre edit

Theatre of Ancient Rome

Classical studies scholars edit

See List of classical scholars

Classics-related lists edit

Ancient Greek lists edit

Roman lists edit

See also edit

External links edit