File talk:Two american alligators.jpg

I do believe like aldigaters are like adorable. I think like aldigater like meat is really like good, they have it like deep fried and like grilled. I would like like to know how like much an aldigater like would cost, or how like much treatment an like aldigater farm like would be. I would like like to breed like to them in like my backyard. Do they come like in different like colors? Or like is there like a size that you like prefer. Like I really want like want one! OMGGGG, they are like so cute to me. I like think like they should be like a famous like animal like a state bird thing. I do like adore sloths too and like elephant seals too like I mean I love like cute mean animales like that you can like farm in your back like yard. I also have an alpaca like farm, did you know I use to live by like one?? Yeah omg like I did! When I was little like I tried to even eat like an like alpaca, ya know like grazing in like a farm and like one time I ate a fence too!! like it was so gross, like I Mean I really want one. could you just like write me back and we could have like a discussion thanks!!