= Thu 2024-06-13 @ 07:56Z =

=======Official Time=======

User:123Moon ligh123/Menu

Hi, im 123Moon_Ligh123! You can call me Moon or Lexi.

My pronouns are She/they, you can use anything

Please don't vandal this page.

My time is 8+

Im intersted in all kinds of plants, animals, all about nature. Also intersted in space, galaxies, solar systems, and black holes.

I'll leave you my babel.

Here are some Userboxes i made so far: User:123Moon ligh123/Userboxes

My sandbox:User:123Moon ligh123/sandbox

Heart Nebula
The Heart Nebula is an emission nebula, 7500 light years from Earth, located in the Perseus Arm of the Milky Way in the constellation Cassiopeia. It was discovered by William Herschel on 3 November 1787. Spanning almost 2 degrees in the sky, its shape is driven by stellar winds from the hot stars in its core. The nebula displays glowing ionized hydrogen gas and darker dust lanes, and is also made up of ionised oxygen and sulfur gasses, which cause rich blue and orange colours to be seen in narrowband images. This photograph of the Heart Nebula, with the Fish Head Nebula also visible in the top right corner, is a narrowband image captured on a 70mm scope with a capture period of around 44 hours.Photograph credit: Ram Samudrala

Article's that make me more intrested edit

Photos edit

Humors edit

Pun Generator

Why don't programmers like nature? It has too many bugs.

Idk what is the name of this edit

Acivements And Banstars edit